EDUCAUSE Review Magazine, Volume 45, Number 6, November/December 2010

min read
Why IT Matters to Higher Education


Cyndi Rowland, Heather Mariger, Peter M. Siegel, and Jonathan Whiting
A coming shift toward Universal Design for Digital Environments (UDDE) will allow full engagement in the rich experiences of the electronic world, thus creating new capabilities that serve everyone in the campus community—students, faculty, and staff.
Molly Tamarkin and the 2010 EDUCAUSE Evolving Technologies Committee
How is technology evolving, and how is this changing the work of people, positions, and processes in higher education? What does this mean for the individual—for you and your use of technology? How are you evolving?
Ronald Yanosky
The rise of the new consumer-oriented ubiquitous computing will reshape—and reduce—users' reliance on enterprise IT. As the people institutions are accustomed to thinking of as users refashion themselves into choosers, colleges and universities will need to devise new ways of supporting constituents and looking out for institutional interests.


Homepage [From the President]
Diana G. Oblinger
Leadership [Views from the Top]
Ronald K. Machtley and Arthur S. Gloster
E-Content [All Things Digital]
Keith Webster
PodcastIT [Audio & Video Interviews]
Cyndi Rowland, Terrill Thompson, and Kara Zirkle
New Horizons [The Technologies Ahead]
Virginia Kuhn
Policy Matters [Campus Environment & Political Context]
Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, and Jack Suess
Viewpoints [Today's Hot Topics]
Brad Wheeler
www [Worth a Look or Listen @]