Digital Learning Environments Demand New Partnerships for Teaching

Wednesday, February 03 | 11:00AM–11:45AM | Texas Ballroom Foyer, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Faculty, librarians, instructional designers, and other campus academic partners share the challenge of helping students develop both conceptual understandings and practical skills in navigating, evaluating, using, and creating knowledge in an increasingly complex information landscape and digital environment. To be effective, we need to think differently about the content we emphasize, the pedagogies we employ, and the relationships we cultivate between the many partners in the teaching, learning, and research environment. The "Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education" offers a promising path for synergistic collaborations that can change the way that students progress from novice to expert in the scholarly journey.

OUTCOMES: Explore practices and habits of mind that prepare students for continuous learning in the modern world * Describe ways campus partners can create a more coherent active learning environment


  • Beth Dupuis

    Associate University Librarian, University of California, Berkeley

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