A Multilevel Approach to Faculty Development

Wednesday, April 02 | 1:40PM–1:55PM
Session Type: Professional Development

In recent years, we have moved away from categorizing our center's educational development efforts based on the nature of activities (e.g., workshops, projects, committees). Recognizing that professors do not work in isolation, we explicitly champion and support teaching and learning at all levels of our large, research-intensive university. Identifying three levels of agency has become an extremely useful tool for analyzing, prioritizing, and communicating our work: micro (professors, courses, and teaching development); meso (faculty/department, programs, and curriculum); and macro (teaching and learning system). Examples of projects and evidence of impact at each level will be shared.

Participants will: Assess the relevance of the levels of agency to your institutional context * Identify the levels at which your educational development initiatives occur * Reflect on whether the current distribution of your educational development initiatives across levels is consistent with your unit's priorities


  • Jennie Ferris

    Project Officer, McGill University
  • Laura Winer

    Director, Teaching and Learning Services, McGill University

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