Technology Plan Evaluation for Module 5

Evaluate your own and other teams' Technology Plans.

Click on one of the links to see each technology plan.

(Please select your name from the list.)

(Please select the team that you want to evaluate from the list.)

Executive Summary Identifies clearly and concisely for the reader the vision, mission, goals and objectives, background, findings, issues, conclusions, and recommendations of the tech. plan. Submitted on time. Provides adequate and accurate information in Executive Summary. Submitted on time. Executive summary is absent or incomplete. (Missing 2 or more components of information.); or submitted late.




Identifies Contributors and Stakeholder Groups Membership list has complete description of constituencies/stakeholder groups. All areas are equitably represented. Submitted on time. Membership list is provided and describes constituencies represented. Submitted on time. Membership is not listed or is inadequate to determine representation of stakeholder groups; or is submitted late.




Vision Statement Vision is comprehensive and deals with learning outcomes, not just technology outcomes. Clearly and concisely states your team's vision for using technology to improve learning; identifies who will be the users of technology and how it will be used to enhance learning; indicates the benefits that you envision will result from the use of technology by students, teachers, administrators or others. Submitted on time. Vision statement provides adequate description of how technology will improve learning but instructional outcomes not fully addressed. Submitted on time. Vision statement is not included or does not address learning outcomes; is difficult to understand or is submitted late.




Mission Statement Mission statement is focused on instructional outcomes and indicates clearly what the school or district will do to make its technology vision a reality; why the school or district wants to do this; and for whom the school or district is doing this. Submitted on time. Mission statement addresses learning outcomes but provides limited information about what, why, and for whom the school or district is doing the plan. Submitted on time. Mission statement is missing or does not address instructional outcomes. Provides incomplete and/or is difficult to understand; or is submitted late.




Goals Goals are broad, comprehensive and realistic in addressing teaching and learning needs. Goals clearly answer the questions: Who? What? By when? By how much? According to which instrument? Submitted on time. Goals are mostly equipment based and loosely linked to improvement plans. Submitted on time. Goals are absent or seem to be only equipment based; are not measurable; are incomplete, difficult to understand; or are submitted late.




Objectives Objectives are measurable and delineated from goals; they clearly define steps to be taken to achieve goals; are clear and realistic. Submitted on time. Provides most of the objectives. Some objectives may not be readily attainable or measurable. Submitted on time. Objectives are absent or incomplete; are difficult to understand, unrealistic; appear unmeasurable, or are submitted late.




Needs Assessment Assessment is comprehensive and contains detailed information from hardware resources, technology needs assessment and Maturity Model Benchmark surveys; identifies use by students and staff, and training received and desired. Submitted on time. Technology has been assessed and analyzed, but may not include summaries of information from all elements in the technology surveys. Submitted on time. Needs Assessment is absent, incomplete or is submitted late.




General Issues Clearly addresses issues of: staff development, technical support, technology standards; student access to computers; integrating new with old technologies; capacity of present facilities to accommodate new technologies; how technology resources and budget will be distributed among schools for equitable access; how needs of students with disabilities or limited English proficiency will be addressed; student access to computers; integrating new with old technologies; capacity of present facilities to accept new technologies, etc. Submitted on time. Adequately addresses most, but not all, of the most significant issues specified in Excellent column. Submitted on time. General issues missing or very incomplete; difficult to understand; or submitted late.




Conclusions and Recommendations Clearly identifies the most important needs and challenges confronting the school or district and recommends the projects and steps to be taken to achieve the vision. Conclusions are strong and relevant. Submitted on time. Conclusions and recommendations are adequately justified although the basis of some conclusions not entirely clear. Submitted on time. Conclusions and recommendations are missing or are not adequately justified based on the information gathered in planning process; or submitted late.




Acceptable Use Policy Describes policies that are needed to ensure proper use of the technology resources (e.g., guidelines, software and facilities use policies, parental consent for Internet use, etc.) Includes well-written draft of Acceptable Use Policy. Submitted on time. Provides an adequate description of the most relevant policy issues. Includes an adequate draft of Acceptable Use Policy. Submitted on time. Policy issues are absent, incomplete, or difficult to understand; lack of Acceptable Use Policy draft; or submitted late.




Technology and Learning Statement Provides clear and strong description of how technology is currently used in learning environment and ways it will be used to achieve instructional outcomes; describes how technology will enhance curriculum and teaching and learning strategies; is tightly coupled to other reform efforts; indicates what students will do environment; submitted on time. Provides overview of the current and future use of technology in enhancing the teaching-learning process for students. Little detail on how technology will be integrated into learning and curriculum. Submitted on time. Technology and Learning statement absent or provides incomplete information on the current use or future role of technology in the school or district and how it will enhance learning; or submitted late.




Technology Standards, Requirements, and Models for Technology and Learning Provides clear and comprehensive description of the capabilities of hardware and learning environments. It identifies minimum standards and requirements for computer hardware, software, and connectivity; describes the types of learning environments that currently exist and those to be created by the plan. Submitted on time. Provides general description of hardware, software and connectivity standards and requirements. Although clear, may miss some information elements. Submitted on time. Technology standards, requirements and models are missing, incomplete, vague, or submitted late.




Staff Development Clearly describes current and needed technology competencies; Describes how plan will take teachers and other staff from present level of technology competency and knowledge to the level of skill required in the plan; describes staff development strategies and recommendations for incentives and professional development resources. Submitted on time. Provides a general overview (not detailed) of current & needed technology competencies. Describes a few strategies and recommendations for incentives and resources. Submitted on time. Staff Development is absent or provides only minimal information on current and needed technology competencies or how the plan will help staff achieve the needed competencies; or submitted late.




Technical Support Provides clear and comprehensive requirements and plans for services available and needed to support technology use (network, computer and software support). Submitted on time. Provides adequate but not comprehensive description of technical support requirements and services. Submitted on time. Technology support is absent or provides vague or little information on technical support requirements for plan; or is submitted late.




Projects, Budgets, and Timelines Provides a prioritized list of major tech plan projects, tasks and timelines. Provides budget summary estimate of capital expenses (hardware, software, facilities, infrastructure, staff development, tech support, etc.) Identifies possible alternative funding resources. Projects, timelines, and budgets are realistic and consistent with plan goals and objectives. Submitted on time. Provides most, but not all, of the project, timelines, and budget estimate information. Appears to be generally consistent with plan goals. Submitted on time. Projects, budgets, or timelines missing; provides vague or little information on project, budgets, or timelines; projects appear not relevant to plan goals; budget estimates appear incongruent with plan or unrealistic; or not submitted on time.




Clarity of Writing Writing is concise and clear; uses active voice when appropriate. No misspelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes evident. Writing is clear but unnecessary words are used. Meaning is not clear in some instances. Few errors in spelling/grammar. Writing is difficult to understand. Evidence of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.






The University of Texas at Austin 
For comments or more information, please e-mail us at [email protected].
© 2002 Paul E. Resta