NG CMS Functional Requirement:Interface 
Each column explains an aspect of a functional requirement. The Recommendations column is where suggestions from visitors are placed.
1. Function The Function describes how specific events, supports, designs, and interactions should work or be designed within a CMS.
2. Examples The Example is one illustration of how a Function might be conceptualized. There may be many examples that illustrate one Function.
3. Deeper Learning Principles NLII's Deeper Learning Principles include (a) Active, (b) Social, (c) Contextualized, (d) Engaged, and (e) Ownership.
4. Teaching Practice Teaching Practice describe how the function supports instructional decision-making, management, and behaviors.
5. Learning Activities Learning Activities explain how the organized experience of the learner support the deeper learning principles.
Recommendations 1. Functions 2. Examples 3.(a)Active 34.(b)Social 3.(c)Contextualized 3.(d)Engaged 3.(e)Ownership 4. Teaching Practice 5. Learning Activities  
Need more push technology based on student learning styles and preference. For example, remedial content, adaptive content, just in time content. When I am notified automatically about resources, activities, or progress, I can take actions that help me achieve learning objectives. I get the specific type of content I need when I need it and how I need it. Because the content is more suited for my learning preference, I am likely to be more engaged with/by it.
Better for default to be 'on' in order to promote use of functions. For example, both faculty and student can set function defaults at any time. My course space is more familiar and reflects my own thinking, organization, and learning. When students set their own defaults, I am relieved of having to figure out their preferences.
More navigation aids. For example, a wizard that help me set up a navigation system that makes the most sense to me. When I can access course activities in a manner that makes sense to me, my cognitive load is reduced and I can engage in activities more readily. The system as a guide becomes more like a tutor or friend to me. A personal navigation system makes the learning environment more peronalized and customized to me. If I am able to successfully navigate through my learning environment, I am likely to be more focused on the learning experience itself. If I am able to successfully navigate through my learning environment, I feel more in control over where I go and what I do. Customized functions make learning more relevant.
Hot keys that allow you to do multi-functions quickly instead of using web forms for that purpose. If I can work efficiently, I can be more focused on my learning.
Don't want to become MS word with so much functionality that is never used and that is seen as getting in the way For example, functionality levels are determined by level of user expertise as determined by skills pre-assessment. If I have too many options, I am distracted from my main activity - learning. Show me only the options and functionality that I need for the particular context I am in at the time.
Toolbar or other support to include easy incorporation of exterior to CMS sources (i.e., Excel spreadsheets; .pdf resources; library searches so student can quickly move across programs). For example, a pop-up menu allows users to open other software as they need them. If I can access what I need when I need it, I am active in all the right ways (e.g., reading important content vs. hunting around for something). I get the specific type of content I need when I need it and how I need it.