A Funny Thing Happended on My Way to the Management Meeting: The Use of Humor as a Management Tool Copyright CAUSE 1994. This paper was presented at the 1994 CAUSE Annual Conference held in Orlando, FL, November 29- December 2, and is part of the conference proceedings published by CAUSE. Permission to copy or disseminate all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage, that the CAUSE copyright notice and the title and authors of the publication and its date appear, and that notice is given that copying is by permission of CAUSE, the association for managing and using information resources in higher education. To copy or disseminate otherwise, or to republish in any form, requires written permission from CAUSE. For further information: CAUSE, 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 302E, Boulder, CO 80301; 303-449-4430; e-mail info@cause.colorado.edu A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON MY WAY TO THE MEETING: THE USE OF HUMOR AS A MANAGEMENT TOOL Jan A. Baltzer Director of Computing and Communications Maricopa Community Colleges Phoenix, Arizona ABSTRACT Budget cutbacks, potential and actual layoffs, changing technology and the constant demand to increase productivity and quality while resources are diminishing, all add to the everyday stress level of information technology departments. In this environment, it is important that IT professionals develop skills to avoid burnout as individuals, and strategies for creating an environment in the IT organization that is motivating, healthy and humane. This session will focus on the use of humor as a set of learned skills that relieve tension in the face of relentless change and enable IT managers to improve communications, resolve conflicts, increase productivity, and enrich the overall culture of the organization. In their book entitled _Lighten Up: Survival Skills for People Under Pressure_, C.W. Metcalf and Roma Felible define humor as: ". . .a set of survival skills that relieve tension, keeping us fluid and flexible instead of allowing us to become rigid and breakable, in the face of relentless change."(1) If we view humor in this way, we come to understand several very important concepts. First, a sense of humor is not about jokes or joke telling. It is a skill set. Secondly, since humor is a set of skills, it is not innate. We are not born with a sense of humor. As a result, the set of skills that we call humor can be developed or learned on both a physical as well as a psychological level. IMPORTANCE OF HUMOR AS A SET OF LEARNED SKILLS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL Psychoneuroimmunology or PNI is the medical discipline that studies the connection between psychology, neurology and immunology. PNI studies have shown that the brain, on a biochemical level, cannot tell the difference between events that are real and events that are imagined. In addition, PNI research indicates that "prolonged stress may cause not only a direct attack on the organs [of the body]..., but may also [have] a direct and measurable effect on the immune system." (2) The reason for the connection between prolonged stress and the human physical condition harkens back to the days of our prehistoric ancestors and what has been called the "flight or fight" syndrome. Medical research indicates that when the brain perceives a threat, the following physical reactions occur: (1) Adrenaline amounts rise to give the body more fuel and energy; (2) The pupils of the eye dilate so we can see better; (3) The mouth goes dry; (4) Digestion temporarily stops so that more blood can flow to muscles; (5) The neck and shoulders tense up to better ward off blows; (6) Breathing rate increases to send more oxygen to muscles; (7) The heart beats faster and blood pressure rises; (8) Perspiration increases to cool the body; (9) The liver releases glucose for energy; (10) The spleen releases stored blood cells and cortisol, a blood clotting agent; and (11) Lactic acid rushes to the muscles for added strength. In prehistoric times when the tiger was at the door of the cave and our ancestors correctly perceived a threat to life, this physical reaction was appropriate. The biochemical changes in the body enabled them to stand and fight the tiger or flee. Regardless of whether they fought and won or fled, they used the physical strength achieved through the body's reaction to threat, and then relaxed when the situation was over so that their bodies returned to "normal" until the next threat to life occurred. Today, our bodies still have the same biochemical reaction to "perceived threats" or stress. Unlike our ancestors, however, we don't use all of the physical strength provided through the flight or fight mechanism when are bodies are aroused, and continued exposure to stress can be extremely damaging to our physical and psychological well being. The results of prolonged periods of biochemical stimulation are often real physiological problems such as ulcers, chronic muscle tension, respiratory problems, chronic blood pressure problems and immune system dysfunction. There are five "antidotes" which can be prescribed to help the individual develop a set of humor skills to counteract the physical and emotional impact of stress. Rx #1: Learn To Overcome Fear of Failure on the Physical Level. As Metcalf and Felible point out, each of us dreads appearing foolish because "foolishness can lead to ridicule, and ridicule, to loss of status or--in the most terrifying extreme--exile."(3) No one wants to look foolish, but no one ever died from looking foolish either. If we can learn to stop worrying about how we appear to others, we can come a long way toward minimizing the day-to-day stress that fills our lives. Fostering the ability to laugh at ourselves when we do foolish things and to even purposely make ourselves look foolish when it is "safe" to do so will help us to alleviate the stress that comes from this fear. Rx #2: Learn to Laugh. Martin Luther has been quoted as saying "If you're not allowed to laugh in Heaven, I don't want to go there." C.W. Metcalf, Norman Cousins and others who have documented the "healing power" of laughter would likely agree because their research indicates that smiling and laughter are physically, as well as emotionally, beneficial. Laughter decreases heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow to the brain, and releases endorphins - the natural pain killer produced by the body to stimulate the body's immune system. The odd thing about laughter is that we tend to "out grow" it as we get older. Children laugh much more often than adults. We can "relearn" the skill of laughter, however, through techniques such as thinking of things that made us laugh in the past, renting comedy videos or going to the movies, reading funny books, etc. Rx #3: Learn to See the Absurdity in Difficult Situations. Most of us realize that, scientifically, we are NOT at the center of the universe. Yet, many of us react to situations in our personal and professional lives as if we WERE at the center--as if everything in the world revolved around our abilities to complete projects on time, to say the right things to the right people, or to perform as others would have us perform. If each of us can develop the ability to see that such an egocentric view of the world is really absurd, then we can come to realize that the consequences we often fear are blown out of proportion, thus reducing the stress we feel. Rx #4: Learn to Take Yourself Lightly and Your Seriously As Elsa Maxwell so aptly said, "Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can." Most adults have been programmed over the years to take themselves way too seriously. We each grew up hearing things like: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going"; or "Grin and bear it"; or "No pain, no gain"; or, my all time favorite, "Wipe that smile off your face and get serious." To survive in these stressful times, each of us needs to learn to separate ourselves from our work or other stressful situations and "lighten up." We need to learn that we can be serious ABOUT our work without taking ourselves so seriously. Rx #5: Develop a Disciplined Sense of Joy in Being Alive. This prescription is closely related to our ability to take ourselves lightly while taking our work or other things around us seriously. When we take ourselves too seriously, we can become depressed and inwardly focused. While there is definitely such a thing as clinical depression, most of us do not suffer from it. What we suffer from is really a "negative" attitude. When we get "down" or depressed because of situations that appear to be outside of our control, we need to remember that happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response. We need to remember that, even when it appears that we have no choice, we always of the choice of attitude.(4) C.W. Metcalf and other humor specialists suggest a number of "tools" for individuals to increase individual personal sense of humor. Among these tools are: * Books and tapes - Find authors, humorists, or movies that make you laugh and then read or view their work on a regular basis. Keep some of these books or tapes in your office so that you can reference them as you need to. * Draw the line - Find ways in which to both physically and mentally separate yourself from your work or your office for breaks or at the end of the day. * Joy list - Compile a list of things, events or people that bring joy to your life and write them down. Keep the list with you to reference when the stresses of work or life make you forget that there are many things that make you laugh, smile or just feel good. * Humoraerobics - C.W. Metcalf has coined this term for "physical and mental exercises that enhance humor skills."(5) Making faces, silly noises, peculiar gestures, etc., are part of the humoraerobics exercise plan. * Photo funnies - Spend a couple of dollars and have your pictures taken in one of those instant picture booths that are still to be found in Penny Arcades and other amusement areas. Close the curtain behind you and make the craziest faces you can think of. Stick the pictures in your briefcase or desk drawer for "future reference." No one else needs to see these pictures, but you'll smile every time you think about the experience. HUMOR AS A TOOL FOR MANAGERS IN THE IT ENVIRONMENT "If you are not having fun doing what you are doing, chances are you are not doing the best you can do. And the same is true for others. . . Every moment cannot be fun, but the overall experience can be."(6) Fun is not, nor should it be considered, a "perk." More and more companies are realizing that there are actually business reasons for incorporating the concept of fun into the way in which they do business. Southwest Airlines, for example, derives their organizational culture from the following three core values: "Value 1. Work should be fun... it can be play enjoy it. Value 2. Work is important...don't spoil it with seriousness. Value 3. People are important...each one makes a difference."(7) At Southwest Airlines, a sense of humor and caring are criteria for employment. Fun in the workplace can be beneficial to the "bottom line" for a number of reasons. First, fun can be used to avoid or manage conflict. In his book, The Light Touch, Malcolm Kushner says that humor can "provide a velvet glove around the iron fist of authority. A request for cooperation phrased in a funny way--a humorous hint--can eliminate re- sistance and resentment caused by direct order. Humor cushions the blow." (8) When conflict does arise, Kushner says that "humor can buy time until a solution presents it- self . . . .Humor [is] particularly useful as an 'interrupter' - a message designed to prevent assertive behavior from becoming aggressive."(9) Secondly, fun can be used to motivate employees and improve productivity. James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner provide support for this theory in their book The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in an Organization. They state: "Systematic studies indicate that people communicate their expectations primarily by the character of the socioemotional support and encouragement that they provide people. Treating people in a friendly, pleasant, and positive fashion and being attentive to their needs produce increased performance because of the favorable effect on employee motivation."(10) Howard R. Pollio from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville has done studies on humor and increased productivity. His studies indicate that if employees are having a good time they will "stick with it longer." He states that "if people enjoy their jobs, have fun, and laugh together, they'll probably form a tightly knit group that works well together."(11) People simply work harder and are more productive when they are having fun. Third, fun in the workplace helps to improve morale. As Kushner states, "Humor makes people step back and say, 'It ain't so bad. We may have problems in our work, but we can handle them.'"(12) Shared laughter builds team spirit and, when disaster or crises strike, the ability to laugh rather than cry puts the disaster into perspective, allowing people to continue being productive. Finally, fun in the workplace provides relief from stress for the entire workforce just as it does at the individual level. Where people can release tension through practical jokes, celebrations, laughter, and play, they can remain flexible and fluid to meet the stressful challenges that are becoming more and more a daily fact of work life. Tools for introducing humor into the workplace and maintaining it there include: * Celebrations - Find ways to celebrate the joy of working in your institution. Invite employees to identify the types of events they would like to celebrate and their preferred methods of celebration. As you introduce celebrations to the organization, it is important to remember that you must celebrate often, and do not stop celebrating when things "get tough." It is during the touch times that it is even more important to celebrate the small victories that indicate success and forward momentum. * Rewards and recognitions - Find people doing "something right" and reward them for it. People do what they are rewarded for doing and rewards/recognitions can be fun. Again, it is important to involve employees in the development of reward and recognition programs so that such programs are meaningful to them. * Self-effacing humor from the top - Good leaders have a sense of humor and know how to use it. In fact, the "ideal boss" has been described as "demanding and caring, challenging and supportive, intense and playful." (13) Humor can only work in an organization when the leadership (at all levels) is willing to lead the charge and to demonstrate that it is okay to have fun at work. * Visual demonstrations of humor - One of the easiest ways to send the message that it is okay to have fun at work is through visual displays of humor. Funny posters, cartoons, and office decorations can be used to telegraph the message to employees that the workplace need not be dull or boring. CONCLUSION Metcalf and Felible assert that: "Humor can help you thrive in change, remain creative under pressure, work more effectively, plan more enthusiastically, and stay healthier in the process. But the skills have to be practiced until they're a habit, a part of your routine. . . . Humor is a set of skills, [and] it is also an outlook on the world."(14) Despite the fact that most of us, as individuals, would agree that we work harder and feel better when we are having a good time, many IT managers and CIO's don't make the effort to ensure that the IT workplace is full of fun. There are several reasons why this may be so. Some IT people may feel that it is "unnatural" for them to display a sense of humor at work. Many may feel that it would somehow diminish their stature as "executives" in the organization, or that they have too many "important" things to do to worry about inserting fun into the work environment. Still others may doubt the real bottom line benefit of fun in the workplace. In this era of budget cutbacks, potential and actual layoffs, changing technology and the constant demand to increase productivity and quality while resources are diminishing, IT leaders can ill afford to ignore any approach or technique that will help to reduce stress and increase productivity in the workplace. We have to abandon the belief that our problems can only be solved if we just "get tough enough, work a little harder and get really serious." It costs relatively nothing to reintroduce fun into our daily work environments, but the payoffs can be astronomical. Footnotes: 1. C.W. Metcalf and Roma Felible, _Lighten Up: Survival Skills for People Under Pressure_ (Reading, Mass: Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1992) p. 9. 2. Ibid., p. 49. 3. Ibid., p. 45. 4. Judith M. Knowlton, as quoted by Ann Wilson Schaef. _Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much_ (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990) p. 118. 5. Metcalf and Felible, p. 52. 6. James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner, _The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in an Organization_ (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987) p. 53. 7. J. Quick, "Crafting Organizational Culture: Herb's Hand at Southwest Airlines," _Organizational Dynamics_, Winter 1993, 45-56. 8. Malcolm Kushner, _The Light Touch_ (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990), p. 116. 9. Ibid., p. 114. 10. Kouzes and Posner, pp. 243-244. 11. Howard R. Pollio as quoted in Kushner, p. 128 12. Kushner, p. 124 13. Kouzes and Posner, p. 262 14. Metcalf and Felible, p. 5.