Multimedia and Asynchronous Learning: Changing the Role of Academic Computing


The traditional paradigms for teaching and learning follow the Socratic model, which is time and place dependent, and predominantly use linear teaching tools such as the lecture and textbook. The changing nature of the workforce and the increasing demand for higher education to reach students off campus requires us to look at new paradigms for teaching and learning. After decades of promises based on overhead projectors, classroom video, teaching machines, and other instructional technologies, the ability to improve instruction by integrating digital technologies across the curriculum has become a reality. By incorporating digital text, audio, graphics, animation, and full motion video into the lecture, laboratory, self-study, interpersonal, and intergroup communication activities that are fundamental to teaching and learning, the quality of both increases. Academic computing units will need to transform themselves if they are to support these emerging technologies and cultural changes. This paper has been updated as an article in _CAUSE/EFFECT_ (CEM9646).

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