Technology Planning for the Nineties: Reponding to the Challenge to Do More Work With Fewer Resources


Kent, like most universities, is being challenged to work smarter, to do more work with fewer resources. Information technology is expected to play a more important and strategic role as Kent State University responds to this challenge. Thus, Kent developed and implemented a plan for information technology that builds on current strengths, promotes broad commitment and ownership, and helps ensure that scarce technology resources are allocated to the "right things," i.e., strategically important activities.Using IBM's ATS planning methodology, Kent organized a nine person study team and charged them with developing an information technology plan. Assisted by an IBM facilitator, the study team began the planning process in October 1992 and completed it in March 1993.The objectives of this presentation are to share the purpose, charge, methodology and results of Kent's study. The study results will include a summary of problems, strengths, recommendations, benefits, implementation priorities, and a status report.

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