X.509 Certificate Policy for the Higher Education Bridge Certification Authority (HEBCA) - Version 08


This Certificate Policy (CP) defines the procedural and operational requirements for a Higher Education Bridge Certification Authority (HEBCA) as part of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to support interoperability among otherwise unrelated PKI domains. The HEBCA is governed by a Policy Authority (HEBCA PA) that determines how the strictures in the Certificate Policies for other PKI domains should be interpreted under this CP in order to define an appopriate trust relationship between the parties.

This CP defines five certificate policy Object Identifiers (CP OIDs) for use by the HEBCA representing five different degrees of trustworthiness that might be assumed by a Relying Party. This distinction is intended to facilitiate interoperability among PKI domains recognized by the HEBCA PA and with the HEBCA. The five policy IODs refer to four different assurance levels (Rudimentary, Basic, Medium, and High) for public key digital certificates, plus one assurance level used strictly for testing purposes (Test).

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