Abdy Afzali


Abdy Afzali began his career in the information technology field in the early 1980s and has worked in a variety of high level management roles while continuing to teach as an Associate Faculty Member at the community college level.  He has a Master of Business Administration in Information Systems and a Master of Science in Advanced Management from National University.

Having taught his first computer applications class at Southwestern College in 1986, Abdy enjoys showing students how they can apply what they have learned in the classroom to industry based case problems.  He has serves as Director of Graphic Communications and then later as Director of Administration and Information Systems at National University.

​In 1991 Abdy joined the MiraCosta College Academic Information Services Department as the Computer Lab Manager.  ​Since 1994 Abdy has served as MiraCosta's  Instructional Technology Coordinator and as Manager of Technology Support Servces.  In this position he is responsible for managing several thousand computers and a team of technical staff that keep the dozens of computer labs and computer classrooms at all four District sites running smoothly.  In addition, he actively participates in governance and committee work.