Bert DeSimone


As a former Communications Officer at the University of Georgia specializing in Information Technology, I have had the wonderful opportunity of assisting students, faculty, and staff with Web-related projects. I began working with online information delivery systems soon after joining my former employer,the University of Georgia,on June 14, 1983. Even though access methods have changed--from a command line interface on an IBM mainframe to the point-and-click Web browser--fundamental principles haven't changed. I still consider myself an information broker, just on a much grander scale than I ever imagined. I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Georgia in 1977 with a B.A. in English. I had planned to go to law school, but decided against it. So I stayed at UGA and received my M.A. in 1980 (also in English). I have presented papers at several regional and national conferences over the years, most on issues of document management and information delivery. Articles I have written have been recognized by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services. I was born in Scranton, PA, in 1955. My family moved to Carrollton, Georgia, 4 years later. I grew up there, leaving to attend college in Athens, GA. I liked it so much that I stayed and now live in Athens with my lovely wife, Brigitte, and our two fine boys, Wylam and Billy, and am often visted by my two other fine boys from a previous marriage, Daniel and Steven.

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