Dave Blakesley


David Blakesley is the Robert S. Campbell Chair in Technical Communication and Professor of English at Clemson University, where he also serves as the Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees. He is the publisher and founder of Parlor Press (http://www.parlorpress.com), now in its twelfth year. In 2014, he became an Adobe Education Leader (http://www.adobe.com/education/higher-ed/adobe-education-leaders/david-blakesley.edu.html). He has authored, co-authored or edited six books: The Elements of Dramatism (Longman, 2002), The Terministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on Film (SIUP, 2003, 2007), Late Poems, 1968-1993 by Kenneth Burke (University of South Carolina Press, 2005) and Writing: A Manual for the Digital Age (Comprehensive and Brief editions; Cengage, 2008-2009, 2nd edition, 2011). His articles have appeared in WPA: Writing Program Administration, JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Composition Studies, The Writing Instructor, First Monday, Kairos, and numerous other journals and anthologies. He is also a recipient of the Charles Moran Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Field from Computers and Composition and the Distinguished Service Award from the Kenneth Burke Society.