John Shank


John D. Shank is currently the Head of the Boscov-Lakin Information Commons & Thun Library. He was one of the first Instructional Design Librarians in the country and was promoted to the rank of Full Librarian in 2013. He also is the founding Director of The Center for Learning & Teaching at Penn State Berks. Prior to his appointment in July 2001, he held positions at Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Montgomery County Community College. He was selected by Library Journal in 2005 as a Mover and Shaker. His responsibilities include teaching, administration, research, and service. He has taught courses on communications & Information Technology as well as culture & technology. He developed the Berks Educational Technology Grant Curriculum Program in 2002 and since that time has directed more than 90 grant projects that have been awarded to 60 faculty, initially impacting over 100 courses and more than 3500 students. These initiatives focus on enhancing the student-centered teaching and learning environment. His research interests include the role, use, and impact of instructional technologies in higher education and academic libraries. He has given hundreds of presentations at conferences, meetings, webinars, and workshops. Additionally, he has authored and coauthored books, book chapters, and articles that focus on library integration into learning management systems, Learning Objects (OERs & Interactive Learning Materials), and the development of instructional design librarian positions. He is the co-founder and Advisory Board Co-Chair of the Blended Librarian On-line Community (, as well as a reviewer for the Journal College & Research Libraries.

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