Roland Hedberg


Roland Hedberg is the IT Architect for the University of Umeå, Sweden. He started in the area in 1987 when he was offered the position as head of the network group at Umeå University, Sweden. In this capacity he set up and ran his first X.500 server in 1988. Since 1992 he has been actively working within the IETF chiefly in matters concerning LDAP. 1998 he left the University and started his own company. Since 2005 he is again back at Umeå University. He has developed several middleware tools, like LIMS ( A common indexing protocol, RFC 2651 based LDAP server ), Spocp a authorization server and UDS a universal information router (also the basis of the middleware tool used at Umeå University).He is an active member in a number of national and international middleware architecture groups.

EDUCAUSE Presentations