Bill Hemmig


Bill Hemmig is Dean, Learning Resources and Online Learning at Bucks County Community College, the recipient of the 2010 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL). He holds a Masters Degree in Library and Information Science from Rutgers University and a Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Studies from Columbia University. He served as Online Learning Librarian at Bucks from 2006-2015 and prior to that as Performing Arts Librarian at Rutgers. He was instrumental in establishing Bucks County Community College's Embedded eBrarian program which brings information literacy instruction into online courses. In addition, he is co-chair of the college's Teaching and Learning with Technology Roundtable and wrote the college's most recent reaccreditation self-study. Currently he serves as project manager on an initiative to transition eleven of the College's gateway courses to use of open educational resources. In ACRL, Hemmig served for four years on the Executive Committee of the Arts Section and most recently on the Communications Committee of the Distance Learning Section. His scholarly interests include various topics in distance education, the information search and use process, the user experience and the information behavior of artists. He is also an author of plays and short fiction.

Selected Publications:

Hemmig, William, Brian T. Johnstone and Margaret Montet (2012). "Create a Sense of Place for the Mobile Learner," Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 6(3-4), pp. 312-322.
Hemmig, William & Margaret Montet (2010). "The 'Just for Me' Virtual Library: Enhancing an Embedded eBrarian Program," Journal of Library Administration, 50(5-6), pp. 657-669.
Hemmig, William (2009). "An Empirical Study of the Information-Seeking Behavior of Practicing Visual Artists," Journal of Documentation, 65(4), pp. 682-703.
Hemmig, William S. (2008). "The Information-Seeking Behavior of Visual Artists: a Literature Review," Journal of Documentation, 64(3), pp. 343-362.
Hemmig, William (2005). "Online Pathfinders: Toward an Experience-Centered Model," Reference Services Review, 33(1), pp. 66-87.

Selected Presentations:

"Action Team Model for Strategic Partnership and Leadership," with Jacqueline Burger, poster session, EDUCAUSE 2017 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2017.
"Shaping the Open Course at Bucks County Community College," Open Education 2017 Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, 2017.
"The Open Educational Resources Initiative at Bucks County Community College," with Stacey Bennett, Margaret Montet and Shawn Queeney, Faculty of the Future, Bucks County Community College, 2017.
"Open Educational Resources," panelist, Pennsylvania Commission for Community Colleges Annual Meeting, Harrisburg, PA, 2016.
"Incorporating OER Initiatives for the Institution and Individual," with Stacey Bennett, in The Open Alternative: Open Access, Open Textbooks, Open Journals, Association of College & Research Libraries, Delaware Valley Chapter spring meeting, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA 2016.
"Multimedia Group Work in the Online Course: Digital Media Literacy, Scaffolding, and Successful Collaboration," with Lisa Angelo, Jackie Burger and Maureen McCreadie, poster session, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, 2015.
"Multimedia Group Work in the Online Course: Digital Media Literacy, Scaffolding, and Successful Collaboration," with Jackie Burger, in Innovation and Proven Practice in Online and Blended Learning, virtual preconference, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Annual Conference, 2015.
"The Embedded eBrarian Program at Bucks County Community College," with Margaret Montet, Reference Services Interest Group, Tri-State College Library Cooperative, meeting, Bucks County Community College, 2013.
"Create a Sense of Place for the Mobile Learner," with Brian Johnstone and Margaret Montet, Fifteenth Off-Campus Library Services Conference, Memphis, TN, 2012.
"A Sense of Place for the Distance Library Patron," with Brian Johnstone and Margaret Montet, Innovations, League for Innovation, Philadelphia, PA, 2012.
"Embedded eBrarians: Information Literacy Instruction for the Virtual Campus," with Margaret Montet, Pennsylvania Library Association, Lehigh Valley Chapter, Annual Conference, Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, PA, 2011.
"The 'Just for Me' Virtual Library: Enhancing an Embedded eBrarian Program," with Margaret Montet, Fourteenth Off-Campus Library Services Conference, Cleveland, OH, 2010.
"Take Your eLearners to the Library: The Embedded eBrarian Project at Bucks County Community College," with Margaret Montet, Innovations, League for Innovation, Reno, NV, 2009.

EDUCAUSE Presentations