Scholarships Program

Financial assistance is available to help EDUCAUSE members pay for professional development. These programs recognize a combination of past achievement, personal and institutional commitment, potential benefit, and financial need.

Financial Support for Professional Development

EDUCAUSE has a long history of offering financial assistance to help members participate in professional development activities. Since 2013, the EDUCAUSE Scholarships Program has awarded more than $308,000 in assistance. Scholarships are an extension of our commitment to those who lead, manage, and use information technology to shape strategic decisions at every level within higher education. Scholarships are funded through membership dues and generous donations from individual community members and corporate sponsors.

EDUCAUSE Scholarships for Professionals

Financial assistance is available to help EDUCAUSE members pay for professional development. These programs recognize a combination of past achievement, personal and institutional commitment, potential benefit, and financial need.

EDUCAUSE currently offers the EDUCAUSE Scholarship that helps members who demonstrate financial need as a result of limited professional development funding/resources to attend an EDUCAUSE event or training to advance their professional knowledge.

During the application process, applicants will identify the event they are interested in attending. If you are selected, the award will correspond to the registration fee for the selected event. Please note: Scholarship professional awards typically cover event registration fees; additional support from your institution will be required for travel, meals, lodging, etc.

EDUCAUSE Scholarship for Students

Moran Technology Consulting, Inc., Mission Partner, approached EDUCAUSE in 2021 with the idea of diversifying the professional pipeline by including students in our Annual Conference. We thought it was a great idea and teamed up with Moran Technology Consulting to explore details.

The result is an additional program to support students from underrepresented groups and at-need populations, working or volunteering in IT or tech-heavy roles at colleges and universities who are considering a higher education IT career, so they can participate in the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference.

The Annual Conference convenes IT professionals and industry partners from around the world to showcase the best thinking in higher education IT. The conference is a place to learn, connect, and discover—it embodies the innovative ethos of the IT profession; it demonstrates the influential nature of IT professionals; and it is the place to excite the next generation of professionals to join the IT workforce.

The Professional Pipeline Student Scholarship assists and supports member institutions' students from underrepresented groups and at-need populations, working or volunteering in IT or tech-heavy roles at colleges and universities who are considering a higher education IT career.

Students are first nominated by a professional at a member institution and then are invited to submit their own application.

As part of the scholarship package, EDUCAUSE will provide awardees with:

  • A complimentary registration to the in-person EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee (October 27-29, 2025)
  • Complimentary hotel accommodations for three nights
  • A flat-rate travel stipend to assist with transportation and incidental expenses associated with attending the conference
    • $1000 will be issued to attendees who travel further than 100 miles to attend the conference
    • $500 will be issued to attendees who travel less than 100 miles to attend the conference
  • A mentor in the Higher Ed IT field with the opportunity to connect in person at the Conference
  • A special conference orientation/overview from an EDUCAUSE VIP
  • An awardee breakfast or lunch with EDUCAUSE leadership
  • The opportunity for resume review and personalized career coaching from an experienced professional in the field


Moran Technology Consulting
Mission Partner

We are grateful to Moran Technology Consulting, Inc. Mission Partner for inspiring this student scholarship program that supports diversity, equity, and inclusion in the higher education IT profession and being the inaugural donor to the program.

View the EDUCAUSE Scholarship Committee