Give everyone on your campus access to 2013 ECAR research for half the price.

Make your case for IT with more facts than anecdote.

ECAR can help. As higher education's only subscriber-driven research organization dedicated to understanding IT's role in colleges and universities, the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR) provides vital research to inform your IT decisions.

When you subscribe, you can access:

  • All ECAR research (more than 20 reports, plus supporting materials like infographics, data tables, and maturity indices)
  • Center for Higher Education Chief Information Officer Studies reports
  • Gartner research, including four major IT1 research reports annually, webinars, and up to 500 IT News and Insight reports

This year, the research you'll receive includes BYOD, the cost of IT, e-learning, IT workforce challenges, and undergraduate students and IT.

More than 400 colleges and universities subscribe today. We invite you to see how ECAR research can enrich your strategic planning.

This 6-month trial gives everyone on your campus access to 2013 ECAR research for half the price of a regular subscription. Your access to all past and future subscriber-only research can begin as early as tomorrow and run through December 31, 2013.