An Action Plan for Infusing Technology into the Teaching/Learning Process Copyright 1990 CAUSE From _CAUSE/EFFECT_ Volume 13, Number 2, Summer 1990. Permission to copy or disseminate all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage, the CAUSE copyright and its dateappear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of CAUSE, the association for managing and using information resources in higher education. To disseminate otherwise, or to republish, requires written permission. For further information, contact CAUSE, 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 302E, Boulder, CO 80301, 303-449-4430, e-mail AN ACTION PLAN FOR INFUSING TECHNOLOGY INTO THE TEACHING/LEARNING PROCESS by E. Michael Staman ************************************************************************ E. Michael Staman is Associate Vice President for Information Services at West Chester University. He has over twenty years of experience in the information technology industry, about one-third of which recently included consulting, sales, and marketing responsibilities in the private sector, with the remainder in various teaching, institutional research, and computing positions in higher education. Dr. Staman has been the editor of two issues of New Directions for Institutional Research, has published in Research in Higher Education and _CAUSE/EFFECT_, and has presented over fifty papers and served in many others capacities in support of CAUSE, AIR, SAIR, and SCUP. ************************************************************************ ABSTRACT: This article addresses the concept of technology/pedagogy integration in higher education and proposes a model for a supported, managed effort designed to create an environment in which interested faculty can, if they choose, successfully integrate technology into the teaching process. The model is based on a set of fifteen needs identified by the information services organization at West Chester University as part of a plan to foster and support the use of technology in teaching and learning at WCU. A calendar and alternative financial models are offered. "The average university in this country, in terms of its use of information technology in teaching, is substantially behind the typical elementary and secondary school."[1] The problem of integrating technology into teaching and learning in higher education is not easily solved. In almost every case, successfully integrating technology into an existing course is hard work, probably involving a multiple-year effort, hundreds of hours on the part of an individual faculty member, and the coordination and support of a number of different campus units. It is not, as someone once suggested to me, simply a matter of "buying a package and placing it on the network for students to use." Indeed, the problem (regardless of the solution) is not even well understood by many members of institutional faculties, staffs, or administrations. Each has a different role in the process, and each set of roles must be carried out if a college or university is to benefit from the widespread integration (as opposed to today's relatively isolated uses) proposed by proponents of the use of technology in the teaching/learning process. One can begin to understand the difficulty of the challenge by attempting to develop an environment which would truly encourage such integration. At West Chester University,[2] the problem was put clearly in perspective by the University President when he asked why, after several years of significant investments in technology, so little had changed in the classroom. The model proposed in this article evolved as a result of that question. University and private funding for an implementation of the model is being developed for the 1990-91 academic year, and specific case studies will be the subject of a future article. The question we are addressing in this article is how information technology professionals can best foster and support the use of technologies in the teaching/learning process on campus. It is not our intention to grapple with other important and related questions, such as whether and when technology is an appropriate tool in the teaching/learning process, how best to obtain an adequate return on campus technology investments, or why, in many cases, professors simply choose not to use computing or other forms of technology in the classroom.[3] Our assumption is that, like WCU, many institutions have already wrestled with the questions of "whether" and "why," and are now trying to deal with "how." Rise of Instructional Computing Early instructional software (1950s and 1960s) ran on mainframe computers and was programmed in languages like FORTRAN and BASIC. It tended to be drill-and-practice material, providing elementary question- and-answer sessions in a line-by-line mode (no CRT terminals) and was commonly referred to as computer-assisted instruction (CAI). By the 1970s, much of the instructional software tended to be written in BASIC for CRT terminals, but still had the drill-and-practice orientation of earlier periods. With the advent of the PC (late 1970s and early 1980s), teaching software slowly began to evolve in sophistication. However, software packages still tended to continue as CAI exercises, primarily because of low memory and disk capacity. By the mid-1980s, the picture was changing. Since 1985, dramatic increases in memory, disk capacity, speed, and experience have led to a truly new generation of instructional software. Users do not have to work their way through mechanical obstacles, but rather concentrate on the actual content of the instruction. That is, machines have begun to conform to people, rather than the reverse, which leads us to the present. Recently there has been an increasing awareness on the part of both faculty and administration of the availability and potential of technological tools, and examples of their successful application to teaching and learning. Examples of non-commercial sources for academic software include CONDUIT, WISC-WARE, Kinko's, and the Clearinghouse for Academic Software.[4] EDUCOM now holds an annual NCRIPTAL Awards ceremony at their national conference to recognize outstanding achievements in instructional software, and it is highly probable that most (if not all) individuals involved in teaching, research, and administration have received at least one of the many marketing publications distributed by vendors containing articles about successful applications of technology in teaching and research. Examples of journals and magazines that include articles about technology in the classroom and/or building the infrastructure to support academic computing include T.H.E. Journal, EDUCOM Review, Academic Computing, and, recently, _CAUSE/EFFECT_. Finally, EDUCOM'S new Educational Uses of Information Technology (EUIT) program (which arose out of the EDUCOM Software Initiative project) is a major focal point for promoting the use of information technology in teaching and learning in higher education[5] With a growing consensus among higher education leaders that technology has clear advantages in many pedagogical situations and that much of the infrastructure is now in place to take advantage of these potential benefits, it is difficult to ignore the need to find ways to support faculty in the pedagogical application of technology on our campuses. Nature of the Challenge It is important to note that most faculty are users, not developers, of teaching/learning materials. They use resources such as textbooks developed by their peers, audio/visual materials frequently developed by vendors, and libraries and information technologies developed and/or supported by their institutions. In the case of written material, the use of resources prepared by others as tools for instruction has been occurring since the beginning of time; in the case of computing, since the middle of this century. The first professor to use the first IBM 704 sometime in the early 1950s probably began envisioning the instructional potential of the technology as soon as the power of the resource was understood, and certainly there are many examples of using computing in course work in the early 1960s. Thus efforts to develop courseware are not new. What is new is that the key barriers of excessive cost and an insufficient amount of acceptable software are rapidly being overcome. Given the number of successes reported in recent years it would seem that by now the use of technology in teaching/learning environments would be as common as the use of other resources available to faculty, or that we would at least see momentum in that direction sufficient to convince us that the use of such resources would become commonplace during the next few years. But the use of technology in pedagogic environments is not commonplace, and what momentum exists is developing at an excruciatingly slow rate. Efforts to develop the momentum have focused on a series of perceived, tangible obstacles. For example, the NCRIPTAL Awards evolved because their developers correctly believed that major obstacles included a lack of awareness both of the potential offered by technology and of successful examples of the use of technology in disciplines of all types. More fundamental than these kinds of obstacles, however, is the question of what truly happens when a member of the faculty walks in front of a class and begins to teach. It (the act of teaching) is a very special event, highly individualized, unique to a given professor in a given environment, teaching a given lecture in a given course. The issues are curriculum restructuring and courseware portability (in the pedagogic, not the technical sense) because the way in which a particular course is actually taught depends upon a specific professor at a specific university and is typically a function of the specific tools available. The problem is further exacerbated by more mundane things such as a lack of detailed technological expertise on the part of most faculty, insufficient staff support, lack of resources, minimal or no administrative support or commitment, and a general lack of focus on the problem. It is not surprising that the results have not been good. Simple problems become incredibly complex: which software package to choose for a given segment of a course, whether the package will run on existing hardware, what the use of the package will do to the existing continuity in the course, and even how to load memory, get started, and recover from a myriad of potential technologybased failures. A discussion on barriers would not be complete without recognizing that the professoriat at most institutions have yet to accept the development of high quality, successful academic software in the same way as contributions to refereed scholarly journals. University promotion and tenure policies are not the subject of this article. However, it is certainly appropriate to observe that the intellectual effort required to develop much of today's nationally recognized academic software is at least equal to if not far greater than the effort of publishing some of the articles that appear in academic journals, and it is highly conceivable that such software may, in fact, be of greater pedagogic value. Newman provides an excellent treatise in this area.[6] Finally, in some cases the problem may be made more complex if an administration makes incorrect assumptions about whether and how a given segment of the faculty will want to change, and then proceeds to install resources which may not be appropriate to the teaching/learning environment at the time. Integrating technology into the curriculum is not an administrative process. It is a faculty process which requires a great deal of administrative support, possibly in the form of faculty reassigned time, and certainly in the forms of staff assistance and financial support. Structuring the Project Successfully creating an environment in which interested faculty can integrate technology into the curriculum is a relatively complex problem. At WCU, we envision a three-year developmental project to accomplish these goals, and have identified fifteen unique needs that underlie the endeavor (see Exhibit 1). [EXHIBITS NOT AVAILABLE IN ASCII TEXT VERSION] As illustrated by the list of needs, there are not just a few but many challenges to be met. The successful incorporation of technology into the curriculum includes faculty becoming engaged in self-directed uses of technology, the creation of new approaches in curricular presentation, and the development of specific expertise. We have identified as the most important aspect of our project the establishing of early successful experiences on campus so that other faculty will follow by example. To have any impact, a "critical mass" must be built -- one or two projects will not do. The key is to put together "teams" of academicians to be supported by the University's Academic Computing Services. This support, which is vital to the success of the project, needs to include assistance in: * the identification of appropriate software * management * documentation * training * evaluation * dissemination of successes to other faculty. Clear, focused management will be required. For the purposes of a given effort, each "team," consisting of one faculty member and one assistant, will need to be under the direct supervision of competent management within the academic computing center. During the initial stages of the project, each team will need to develop a plan, a calendar, resource estimates, deadlines, and so forth -- in other words, follow the principles of good project management. A special, temporary "organizational unit" (perhaps a task force) will need to be formed so that the focused nature of the effort can be reinforced. Resources and project control will be granted to this "unit" which, because of the University-wide nature of the project, is probably best managed by the chief academic computing officer. A Three-Year Model Our model proposes that approximately ten faculty members be identified, each to spend about 25 percent of their time for one year developing material to be applied to a specific, targeted course during the next year. The intent is to successfully integrate technology into a total of ten courses. Each faculty participant will then present two seminars to the University community during the third year for a total twenty seminars (see Exhibit 2). [EXHIBIT NOT AVAILABLE IN ASCII TEXT VERSION] Each individual who volunteers for the project will go through a process of identifying software and/or technology which, because of the documentation, review, and/or national recognition, appears to be an excellent candidate for a particular course. The process of identifying the technology, acquiring it, learning how to use both the software and the hardware, and developing initial approaches to the targeted course will be conducted during the initial year of the project. The second year (first actual classroom implementation) is also developmental in nature. Problems, knowledge of what works and what does not work, and ideas about how to improve on the use of the tools developed in the first year will become apparent only through classroom pilot and evaluation efforts. Faculty will teach the course one semester, make revisions in curriculum and technology use, and re-teach the revised course to complete pilot work. The final, very important component of the project is the development of two seminars that faculty participants will conduct during the third year. Each seminar need be only a few hours in duration. The successful "experiences" of faculty can be discussed and used as catalysts to encourage other members of the faculty to seek ways to integrate technology into their courses. That is, proof by a known colleague that the use of technology truly improves the teaching process, or that students learn better (this means that they learn more from a given course, gain different insights, retain the material for longer periods of time, learn faster, and so forth), will generate more interest on the part of the faculty than any number of papers, reviews, or sales efforts by people external to the University. Third-year seminars will be offered under the auspices of Academic Computing Services, and faculty will lead seminars as part of their project commitment without reassigned time. Financial Models The figures provided in Alternative #1 in Exhibit 3 reflect our estimates for a budget to cover our three-year model. These figures assume the project involves ten courses, ten faculty members reassigned one-quarter time for one academic year to learn the technology and to modify a course, ten students (one for each faculty member for a two- year period), an average of $3,000 for software and equipment and $200 for miscellaneous expenses, per faculty member. In Year #1 the major activities are acquisition, learning, and curriculum modification; in Year #2 the activities are teaching and evaluation; and in Year #3 each faculty member presents two seminars. Figures for the other alternatives shown in the exhibit are adapted from this basic model. [EXHIBITS NOT AVAILABLE IN ASCII TEXT VERSION] It is important to note that the budget estimates are specific to the WCU project, and that budgets could vary significantly, depending on items such as local costs, equipment, and software. Software and equipment, for example, could vary from zero to $10,000 (or more), depending upon the needs of a particular course. The estimate of $3,000 is based on the costs that appear to be associated with entry-level experimentation using a typical NCRIPTAL-recognized piece of software. Preliminary Experiences Currently, we have initiated several projects in preparation for implementing the ten-course, three-year model. Actual implementation of the full model requires funding, planned for the 1990-91 academic year. The preliminary projects address the problem of upgrading course syllabi to enhance basic writing, quantitative, and computer skills. In the area of writing skills, sixteen faculty members from eleven departments are participating in a joint project to use word processing and grammar packages and electronic mail to upgrade their courses. With respect to quantitative skills, the University has involved ten faculty members from various departments to use such packages as MathCad, MicroCalc, MiniTab, and Excel as well as electronic mail to upgrade their courses. To improve computer skills, two faculty members are conducting a pilot project in teaching the introductory computer course for general education. In addition to accessing word processing, spreadsheet, database, and programming software from the network, all course communications (syllabi, assignments, homework, classroom bulletin boards) are conducted using electronic mail. To date, these projects have involved reassigned time for only a small number of key participants, with perhaps too much reliance on external funding. Our current budget planning is recognizing the reality of the need to commit to the approach described in this article if we are to achieve a critical mass in integrating technology into the curriculum at WCU. Summary From the standpoint of university administration, the problem of how best to integrate technology into the teaching/learning process must ultimately evolve into the question of how best to create an environment in which interested faculty can, if they choose to, create change in individual courses, one course at a time. There are a number of difficult and sometimes complex implementation issues, such as: where to start the process and who leads the effort; who does what and how best to provide support; what does it cost, who pays, and how to fund initiatives; how to sustain the project; and how to disseminate the results. Though we have resolved some of these issues, others can only be resolved as we implement our plan and learn through experience. There are examples where highly motivated and knowledgeable individuals have developed courseware modules for some aspect of a course. The more general case, however, and the conclusion suggested by this article, is that the successful incorporation of technology into a teaching and learning environment is a multiple-year process requiring a great deal of hard work on the part of designated leadership and significant support on the part of the institution. If our institutions want to have an environment where the use of technology in instruction is more the general than the special case, and we are not willing to wait until the middle of the next decade for this to occur, then we must find a way to build momentum on our campuses. Fundamental to the model presented here is the initiation and support of a sufficient number of projects to establish a critical mass so that the successful experiences of a core group of individuals become the foundation of a more widespread use of technologies in teaching and learning environments. ************************************************************************ For further reading: Academic Computing magazine, 200 West Virginia, McKinney, TX 75069-4425. Anandam, Kamala, ed. Transforming Teaching with Technology: Perspectives from Two-Year Colleges. EDUCOM Strategies Series on Information Technology. McKinney, Texas: Academic Computing Publications, Inc., 1989. EDUCOM Review and EUIT Newsletter, EDUCOM, 777 Alexander Road, Princeton, NJ 08540. FIPSE Technology Study Group. Ivory Towers, Silicon Basements: Learner- Centered Computing. EDUCOM/Academic Computing Software Initiative Monograph Series. McKinney, Texas: EDUCOM/Academic Computing, 1988. Graves, William H., ed. Computing Across the Curriculum: Academic Perspectives. EDUCOM Strategies Series on Information Technology. McKinney, Texas: Academic Computing Publications, Inc., 1989. Smith, Shirley. Managing Academic Software. EDUCOM/Academic Computing Software Initiative Monograph Series. McKinney, Texas: Academic Computing Publications, Inc., 1988. Sprecher, Jerry W., ed. Facilitating Academic Software Development. EDUCOM/Academic Computing Software Initiative Monograph Series. McKinney, Texas: Academic Computing Publications, Inc., 1988. ======================================================================== Footnotes 1 Frank Newman, "Technology on Campus: An Uneven Marriage," CAUSE/EFFECT, Spring 1990, p. 10. 2 WCU is a comprehensive university with an emphasis on teaching and approximately 12,000 students, located in suburban Philadelphia. 3 See R. Kanigel, "Technology as a Liberal Art," Change, March/April 1986, pp. 20-27; R. Glover, "Realizing the Benefits of Information Technology Investments on Campus," CAUSE/EFFECT, Winter 1988, pp. 17-25; and D.E. Drew, "Why Don't All Professors Use Computers?," Academic Computing, October 1989, pp. 12-14. 4 See also the Directory of Software Sources for Higher Education, published by EDUCOM/Peterson's Guides, 166 Bunn Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540. CONDUIT is located at the University of Iowa, 301 OH, Iowa City, IA 52242; WISC-WARE, University of Wisconsin, 1210 West Dayton Street, Room 3110, Madison, WI 53706; Kinko's Service Corp., 255 West Stanley Avenue, Ventura, CA 93001; Clearinghouse for Academic Software, Iowa State University, 297 Durham Center, Ames, IA 50011. 5 For further information about ESI/EUIT initiatives, the Silicon Basement Seminars, the NCRIPTAL Awards, and numerous publications available on educational uses of information technology, write to EDUCOM, 777 Alexander Road, Princeton, NJ 08540; or send electronic mail to WALSH@BITNIC.BITNET. ========================================================================