Partnering with a Vendor to Prototype a Data Warehouse in Ninety Days Copyright 1996 CAUSE. From _CAUSE/EFFECT_ magazine, Volume 19, Number 1, Spring 1996, pp. 51-53. Permission to copy or disseminate all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage, the CAUSE copyright and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of CAUSE, the association for managing and using information technology in higher education. To disseminate otherwise, or to republish, requires written permission. For further information, contact Julia Rudy at CAUSE, 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 302E, Boulder, CO 80301 USA; 303-939-0308; e-mail: PARTNERING WITH A VENDOR TO PROTOTYPE A DATA WAREHOUSE IN NINETY DAYS by Robert G. May and Teresa Stankiewicz ABSTRACT: Many organizations have strong motivation to weigh the benefits of a data warehouse against the investments required to build it. The University of Texas College of Business Administration/Graduate School of Business partnered with a vendor to develop a data warehouse within a ninety-day window to overcome the investment barrier by testing the value of data warehousing with a real program. Unless specific measures have been taken to enable additional functionality, most campus legacy mainframe systems are being used for operational purposes. They are transaction-based and commonly rely on hierarchical databases. These systems are still functioning effectively for their original purposes. But times change, as do our work requirements and expectations of the computing tools we use. If, for example, you want to prepare a report on how data have changed over time and must query a production system with a hierarchical database for this information, you are likely to find this new task a challenge. Besides the fact that such a query usually must be performed by and accommodated into the workload of the central data processing staff, it is also the case that many legacy systems keep only current data, which makes it difficult to perform ad hoc queries for purposes of analysis and comparison. To change this picture, many campuses are turning to a data warehouse solution. It is one new technology that the computer services unit within the College of Business Administration/Graduate School of Business (CBA/GSB) at the University of Texas explored last year. Computer Services envisioned that the data warehouse concept would enhance administrators' effectiveness and ability to manage their areas of responsibility proactively, with the goal of working within their familiar microcomputing environment for such ad hoc queries. A Tangible Need to Fill, Yet a Leap Of Faith to Develop Our Educational Resources Data Warehouse (ERDW) project began last April, when the vendor (Software AG) who had created the database and extract languages used with the University's mainframe approached us with the idea of accomplishing a working data warehouse. The proposal was to install a client/server system and model, on a limited scale, with genuinely useful capabilities, as the precursor of a new, comprehensive system--all in a ninety-day burst of work that would limit our investments of time and money and enable us to readily evaluate the potential of the solution. Quality metrics collected during the project were used to validate the usefulness and effectiveness of the data warehouse. Our prototype ERDW encompassed the CBA/GSB need to support future course and instructor scheduling activities. From meetings facilitated by our vendor and interviews with executives and administrators, we designed the prototype with an efficient interface to the warehouse and the software tools administrators would need as they schedule "resources" (courses, classes, and instructors) to resolve scheduling conflicts and obtain historical information for trend analysis on class enrollment and faculty evaluations. Even a test project of this nature required a high level of interdepartmental collaboration and cooperation, starting with evaluating the data being captured and maintained. The University's data processing department keeps the course, instructor, and student data on the mainframe. The DP department served as consultants to the project and provided the staff member to administer the new database. DP also assumed responsibility for supporting the new client/server operating system and hardware underpinning the ERDW. The prototype was working successfully just three months after the start of the project. Transaction data, which continue to be stored on the University mainframe in ADABAS C, are periodically transformed into business information and loaded into the ERDW--an ADABAS D relational database running on a separate application server (Hewlett-Packard Model 817 UNIX). This client/server environment, which will contain three to five years worth of historical data, is something that CBA/GSB administrators can freely access from client microcomputers in their offices. They use the query tool Esperant to readily access and extract information and import it directly into Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, QuattroPro, or Esperant as they construct their graphs, reports, slides, or other documents. This is the improvement we had been looking for. En Route Solutions As with any proposal for data warehousing, the time required for downloading data from the mainframe to the server was an early concern. In Phase 1, the prototype contains over 375,000 records, using 200 MB disk storage. However, the issue of data transfer performance, which can potentially prevent "refreshing" the data warehouse in a timely fashion, proved not to be a concern in Phase 1 and subsequent phases, due to the particular design for the data warehouse. Our first experiences at downloading data from the mainframe (daily during student registration and at several other scheduled times) proved the ERDW concept was indeed feasible. Server performance was such that we quickly dispelled concerns over data transfer feasibility. We were also very interested in ensuring fast query response times for users. When we saw response times from the ERDW were matters of seconds rather than days--due to a combination of hardware performance and design of the application itself--we were confident enough to move ahead with subsequent phases and expand the ERDW project by adding still more functionalities and quickly making it available to other colleges. Benefits Earned, Lessons Learned Computer Services analysts and developers worked from a very detailed, methodical approach supplied by our vendor's consultants. The outside perspective proved invaluable in applying numerous best practices for successful transitions such as basic project preparations, business drivers and needs identification, model definition and refinement, prototype development and incremental refinement, hardware/software infrastructure construction, procedures for operations, and user training and ERDW support planning. Key to these results was the teamwork between Computer Services, Data Processing, and vendor personnel; we proved to skeptics that it was possible to meet our goal of building a working data warehouse in ninety days. One of the very first real uses of the ERDW is to support faculty review and analysis of student evaluations of teaching performance in the CBA. Preparation for evaluation meetings using the ERDW is far simpler now than in the past, and can be accomplished in a handful of steps. These steps can then be saved as a macro and icon, so the entire process can be repeated in the future in just one step by clicking on the icon that represents that query. Those reviewing these reports will have assurance that the presentation accurately reflects trends in a real-time fashion. For example, previously run reports--such as those that reveal student satisfaction with CBA/GSB and student ratings of teaching performance--can be compared to current results to track the school's trajectory toward its goal of consistently high satisfaction. This kind of analysis and reporting is important, because faculty rewards and tenure are tied to merit and demonstrated performance. Furthermore, newsthat can be readily understood, in pie-chart form for example, is ideally suitable for public dissemination via student and alumni newsletters, the local news media, and so forth. Another representative use of the ERDW is helping to take the once-a-semester frustration out of course planning. As departments construct schedules of courses, the dean's office must evaluate the entire schedule. A review by the dean's office assures students that they will not find required classes offered by the different departments scheduled at conflicting times. Previously, these conflicts were identified and resolved by a tedious manual process that involved office staff posting notes for each class to the office wall and checking for same-day, same-time conflicts. This process is now completed quickly and accurately using the new system Early results like these demonstrate the value of continuing our investment in the data warehouse concept and additional phases of implementation. As one of the next steps, we will again collaborate with administrators, who have now become familiar with the potential of the ERDW, in order to develop pre-built objects that will handle as much as 75 percent of most administrators' querying needs and greatly increase the convenience of the system. The balance of ad hoc queries will be done by users themselves using the query tools. In Phase 2, we will add to the library of queries and bring in all relevant student data, followed by the addition of financial data in Phase 3. Conclusion One of the key lessons learned is that the system should be designed in such a way that it can be expanded or enhanced later in increments. In addition, the vendor's commitment at the very beginning of the process is an important key to a successful, ninety-day launching. We were gratified that our software vendor shared our commitment to spending the time necessary to clearly research and understand the University's needs before beginning to devise new hardware/software recommendations. Following a standard but flexible approach thereafter enabled us to consistently meet project milestones and the ninety-day completion target. The collaborative approach and focus on the original goals, phase by phase, helped us avoid distractions that can easily sabotage projects of this nature. ============================================================= SIDEBAR: Justifying Investments The ERDW provides a preview for administrators of important functionality and benefits: * Timely checks for class scheduling conflicts (required classes offered at conflicting times and instructors with too many assignments on one day). * An early warning system for instructors lacking TLCs (required teaching load credits for state-funded instructors receiving state-funded salaries). * Performance reports (analysis permits evaluation of the College's performance of educational services for students, including comparison of instructor evaluations, class size, cost per student per credit hour, and so forth). * Educational resource measures (analysis of how well the college is utilizing its teaching "resources"). * Queries of historical data for comparative purposes. The system answers queries with previously unobtainable data that ultimately help our administrators picture the dynamics of the University educational setting and courses, and make better scheduling decisions. ************************************************************* Robert G. May ( is Interim Dean of the College of Business Administration/Graduate School of Business at the University of Texas. He is the KPMG Peat Marwick Centennial Professor of Accounting, has published extensively in the area of financial analysis and financial accounting, and has co-developed and published educational software. Teresa Stankiewicz (stankt@cbacc.bus.utexas. edu) is Manager of Computer Services in the College of Business Administration/Graduate School of Business at the University of Texas, responsible for all aspects of administrative software for the college. She is the chair of the data processing standards committee and a member of the DP vision committee. ------------------------------------------------------------- The authors would like to thank Sara Gill, Lead Systems Analyst for the CBA/GSB Computer Services, who was team leader for the ERDW project.