Transforming Teaching in a Technology-Enabled Learner-Centered World: True Enterprisewide Change Requires Faculty Development, Support, and Rewards


Higher education administrators must understand the challenges presented to faculty by the revolutionary changes being made by the new teaching and learning technologies and by the pressures created by the new students entering the academy. Faculty vary considerably in both their abilities and their attitudes toward the new technologies and institutionally-based attempts to engage the faculty must take these variations into account in order to be successful.The NLII has looked at some strategies that administrators can use to successfully engage faculty and to effectively transform teaching and learning using technology.

This article highlights five approaches presented at the NLII annual meeting in New Orleans which addressed faculty engagement and development, presenting case studies and findings to help guide institutional leaders in their understanding of the complex nature of faculty attitudes, motivations, cultures, and abilities.

A summary of NLII resources and activities (past, present and planned) on Faculty Engagement is also provided.

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