Educom Review table of contents

Volume 34, Number 4
July/August 1999

Learning, Communications
and Information Technology

Educom Review explores the changing ways we will work, learn, and communicate in the digital world of the 21st century. The accelerating pace of development in computer and communications technology is transforming education. Educom Review monitors those developments along with related issues in management, planning, law, and policy.
An EDUCAUSE publication


Distributed Learning and Institutional Restructuring
Institutions need a clear plan as they enter the marketplace of distributed learning.
by Brian L. Hawkins

The Future of the Web, Intelligent Devices, and Education
The author looks to the past for trends in hardware, software, networking, and education.
by Howard Strauss

Making a NICER Transition to the Millennium: Five Keys to Successful Collaboration
Organizations must collaborate effectively to respond to unanticipated problems.

by David Smallen and Karen Leach

Information Technology Investments in Research Libraries
Which investments will ensure that library IT will meet future academic needs?
by Susan Rosenblatt

Framing the Issues: What's Next on the NLII's Agenda?
The NLII identifies four issues offering a framework for the discussion of technology, teaching, and learning.
by Wendy Rickard


The Future of Learning: An Interview with Alfred Bork
"Everyone should learn to their full capacity."



Information technology in the news.

Will Colleges and Universities Become Cybercops?
Congress and federal agencies grapple with the issue of ISP responsibility.

Noteworthy books, Web sites, and Internet lists

EndNote: Authentication and Trust in a Networked World
The networked information age prompts new access management systems.


The New Technologies and the Future of Residential Undergraduate Education
by Gregory C. Farrington
From: Dancing with the Devil: Information Technology and the New Competition in Higher Education