Engaging the Mobile Generation through CSUN's Tablet Initiative: Managing Change from the Executive Vision to the Classroom

Wednesday, February 12 | 11:45AM–12:30PM | Oregon Ballroom Salon GH
Session Type: Professional Development
CSUN's iPad initiative, myCSUNtablet, began with the university president who recognized that tablet technology brings both reduced costs and unprecedented learning opportunities that help students succeed. Rapid collaboration from across campus (academic affairs, information technology, financial aid, the bookstore, financial services, admissions and records, etc.) enabled the initiative to launch within seven months. Early findings of the assessment of the impact of iPads on faculty teaching and student learning will be revealed. We will use some of the same instructor tools that are currently being used in the myCSUNtablet iPad classes, including games, polling, and imagery. The session will begin with iPad Jeopardy, which will test participants' knowledge of mobile learning trends in a fun and engaging way.

Discover a presidential perspective of launching a successful tablet iPad initiative * Investigate how to overcome technical challenges (ADA accessibility) by identifying core mobile apps to be used by faculty * Explore how to manage cultural and workflow transitions (flipping the classroom)


  • Hilary Baker

    Vice President for IT & CIO Emeritus, California State University, Northridge
  • Deone Zell

    Associate Vice President, Academic Technology, California State University, Northridge