
EDUCAUSE is committed to providing opportunities for our members to engage, connect, and create community. Mentoring is just one way we can help you do so.

EDUCAUSE Mentoring Program

About the Program

We offer one-to-one online mentoring designed to help you develop and achieve your personal and professional goals. This EDUCAUSE member-only program helps mentees and mentors find and connect with other higher education technology professionals who are seeking guidance, support, and growth in a safe environment.

You can have a mentorship for any length of time, agreed upon by both mentor and mentee, though we recommend 6-12 months. The structure is yours to customize, though we recommend you meet synchronously (e.g. via video chat, phone) at least once a month with additional asynchronous touchpoints (e.g., email, text). EDUCAUSE will provide resources and check-ins along the way to ensure you're getting what you need out of the opportunity.

  • Program Dates

    1:1 Mentoring Dates
    Rolling enrollment

  • Duration

    Flexible (6-12 months recommended)

  • Time Commitment

    Time Commitment
    Flexible (1 hour/month recommended)

  • Who Should Attend

    Who Should Join?
    EDUCAUSE Members looking to connect, learn, and grow

  • Program Delivery

    Asynchronous messaging
    Synchronous meetings

  • price tag

    Free for EDUCAUSE Members

Become a mentor or mentee (or both) today.

Join Mentoring 

According to the EDUCAUSE Mentoring in Higher Education, 2019 report, 71% of mentors and 86% of mentees shared that mentoring positively impacted their professional development.

Why EDUCAUSE Mentoring?

  • hand holding a circle with 3 people in it

    Supportive Environment

    Having a mentor outside your organization can provide a safe space to speak freely and engage in difficult conversations with peers who have faced similar challenges.

  • 1 person looking at 3 other people

    Diverse Perspectives

    The EDUCAUSE Mentoring platform allows members to search affinity fields and other qualifiers, to help mentees match with a mentor with similar or different demographics/attributes.

  • Seesaw with a large ball on one end and a small ball on the other

    Mentoring for All

    EDUCAUSE mentoring provides for institutions whose IT workforce may be small or for institutions with no formal mentoring program.

"We had great conversations and both shared experiences that I believe were very useful for everyone."

"I have learned just as much, if not more, from my mentee during this mentoring experience."

"I was very fortunate to have an experienced mentor with the qualities I was looking for to strengthen my skills."

Need Help Getting Started?

Check out the step-by-step videos for Mentors and Mentees.

EDUCAUSE Rising Voices Podcast