2024 EDUCAUSE AI Landscape Study

Methodology and Acknowledgements


The 2024 EDUCAUSE AI Landscape study survey comprised 46 closed- and open-ended questions. (The full survey instrument is available online.) Respondents may have been asked fewer questions depending on survey branching. The survey was distributed via EDUCAUSE marketing emails on November 27, 2023, and remained open until December 8, 2023, resulting in 910 responses meeting the following inclusion criterion:

  1. Respondent currently (at the time of survey taking) works at a higher education institution.
  2. Respondent answers the following questions:
    1. Which of the following best describes your primary position/role at your institution?
    2. Which of the following best describes your primary area of responsibility at your institution?
    3. How many years have you worked in higher education?
    4. How would you characterize your institutional leaders' general attitude toward AI?
    5. How widespread is your institution's approach to AI-related strategy?
    6. How, if at all, have policies at your institution been impacted by AI?

Data from closed-ended survey items were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics, and open-ended survey data were analyzed with MAXQDA (24.1). Quantitative data presented in this report were rounded to the nearest whole number. Open-ended respondent quotes presented in this report were lightly edited for readability.

This research is limited by standard survey limitations such as constrained sample frame and response biases.


EDUCAUSE Research and Insights is sincerely grateful to every individual who took the time to answer these survey questions. Without your contributions, this work would not be possible. We also thank the entire EDUCAUSE team for supporting this work, including but not limited to data analysis, data visualization, marketing, project management, and editing.