Awareness, Understanding, and Disposition to Dx
CIOs are believed to understand and support Dx more than any other group. Alumni, students, boards, and faculty are thought to be largely unaware of Dx or to be aware but lacking in understanding of Dx; faculty are believed to be the most resistant to Dx. A majority of three groups that are likely closely engaged with processes related to Dx were identified as both understanding and supporting Dx in higher education: CIOs (83%), librarians (55%), and directors of institutional research (51%) (see figure 5). Some campus groups are believed either to be completely unaware of Dx or, if they are aware of it, not to understand it. Among the more alarming of these include executive and administrative positions such as presidents (32%), provosts (38%), chief business officers (36%), and chief HR officers (39%), suggesting that there is considerable and targeted work to be done to educate different groups about what Dx is and what it means for them and their institution. Not only are faculty perceived to have the least amount of awareness and understanding of Dx among those on campus (only alumni are thought to be less aware), but they are also seen as the group most resistant to Dx.