
View administrative systems data as a strategic institutional asset.

Data should be managed and treated as a strategic institutional asset. Institutions need to develop analytics strategies based on institutional strategic priorities that can meet compliance and regulatory needs, monitor progress on institutional short-term goals and long-term strategy, and inform institutional decision-making.

Learn About This Key Topic

Analytics Toolkit

Institutional Analytics in Higher Education
An examination of institutional analytics and four steps to move forward to increase analytics maturity
2018 Trends and Technologies: Analytics
Report from the 2018 Higher Education’s Top 10 Strategic Technologies and Trends research, covering the 13 trends and 13 technologies included in the analytics domain
Digital Capabilities in Higher Education, 2016: Analytics
An examination of higher education analytics maturity and deployment based on the EDUCAUSE Core Data Service
Moving the Red Queen Forward: Maturing Analytics Capabilities in Higher Education
EDUCAUSE Review article about how colleges and universities can mature their analytics capabilities without working twice as hard
Institutions’ Use of Data and Analytics for Student Success (research in partnership with NASPA and AIR)
Report from three higher education membership associations, the Association for Institutional Research (AIR), NASPA—Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, and EDUCAUSE, which describes a variety of challenges and opportunities regarding institutions’ readiness to expand their use of data across functions

For more enterprise IT resources, visit the EDUCAUSE Library. You can also find a wide range of resources on analytics in higher education in particular by visiting the Analytics library page.