2023 EDUCAUSE Faculty Survey

Conditions and Stipulations

  1. This online survey is being conducted for research purposes. The data resulting from this confidential survey will be made available to researchers at EDUCAUSE. You cannot be identified by your non-written survey responses. Data will be available as individual responses and in aggregate formats. Data will be available to the general public in the form of public presentations, reports, journal or newspaper articles, and/or in books.
  2. There are several open-ended questions in this survey. It is best not to include personally identifiable information in these responses.
  3. The online survey involves questions about your teaching experiences, preferences, and student learning outcomes in higher education. Beyond demographics, all questions will only address teaching and technology-related issues.
  4. This survey is expected to take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Taking the research survey is voluntary. If you do not participate, it will not affect your faculty status in any way. If you choose, you may stop your participation at any time. If you choose to participate, you may skip any question you do not wish to answer, with the exception of the required screening question at the beginning of the survey.
  5. If you have any questions about the research survey and your rights as a participant, you can contact the research team at [email protected]. Your responses will provide data to inform higher education institutions on how instructional modalities and technology impact the teaching and learning experience for both faculty and students.
  6. EDUCAUSE owns and maintains the data collected for the project. De-identified individual response data are stored on EDUCAUSE computers and/or in cloud-based storage systems. The data are stored indefinitely for use in analysis and benchmarking. Data are password-protected and accessible only by authorized individuals.

By selecting “I agree” below, you are agreeing to participate in the research study, according to your rights as a voluntary research participant, as outlined above, and you provide consent to EDUCAUSE to use your survey responses as outlined above.

Indicate your agreement with the informed consent statement below.*

( ) I agree.

( ) I do not agree (If you select this option, you will exit the survey).

About You

What is your age?*


Have you taught one or more postsecondary courses in the past 12 months?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Are you currently a graduate student?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Modality Preferences and the Teaching Experience

1.1 Considering a typical course, in which one of the following modes do you prefer to teach?

( ) A course that is remote and offline (i.e., all instructional activities are done by hard copy correspondence without the use of internet technologies)

( ) A course that is remote and online (i.e., all instructional activities happen online)

( ) A course that is hybrid (i.e., a mix of remote-online and on-site instruction)

( ) A course that is on-site and uses technology to support teaching and learning

( ) A course that is on-site and does not use technology to support teaching and learning

( ) No preference

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.2 Considering a typical hybrid course, which of the following modality options do you prefer for your students?

( ) During any particular class period, some students are online and some are on-site.

( ) All students are learning in the same mode at any given time, but some class periods are online and some are on-site.

( ) No preference

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.3 Considering a typical hybrid course, how do you prefer student modality to be decided?

( ) Students can choose to participate on-site or online on a class-by-class basis.

( ) Students participate in some on-site and some online sessions as designated by the instructor.

( ) No preference

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.4 Considering a typical academic term, how do you prefer to teach?

( ) I prefer to teach all of my courses completely on-site.

( ) I prefer to teach all of my courses completely online.

( ) I prefer to teach all of my courses in a hybrid format.

( ) I prefer to teach a combination of modalities (i.e., a mix of on-site, online, and/or hybrid) (please specify): _________________________________________________

( ) I have no preference.

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.5 What are the reasons for your modality preferences? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] It's more flexible for me.

[ ] It’s more flexible for my students.

[ ] I teach better in that mode.

[ ] My students learn better in that mode.

[ ] I already have classes prepared in that mode.

[ ] I have the instructional design support I need in that mode.

[ ] I have the instructional technology support I need in that mode.

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.6 Currently, in what mode do you primarily teach?

( ) I primarily teach my courses completely on-site.

( ) I primarily teach my courses completely online.

( ) I primarily teach my courses in a hybrid mode.

( ) I primarily teach in a combination of modes (i.e., a mix of on-site, online, and/or hybrid) (please specify): _________________________________________________

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.7 Are you currently teaching all of your courses in your preferred mode(s) (i.e., online, on-site, hybrid)?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.8 Over the past couple of years, have you taught courses primarily in your preferred mode(s) (i.e., online, on-site, hybrid)?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.9 Why are you not currently teaching all of your classes in your preferred modes? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] I am required to use certain modes in some of my classes.

[ ] I do not have the necessary instructional design support to teach in my preferred modes.

[ ] I do not have the necessary educational technology support to teach in my preferred modes.

[ ] I do not have the on-site (i.e., physical) space needed to teach in my preferred modes.

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

1.10 When you teach courses that are not delivered in your preferred mode, how does that impact your teaching (if at all)? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] It makes teaching less enjoyable.

[ ] The quality of my teaching suffers.

[ ] It increases my teaching workload.

[ ] It increases my stress.

[ ] I am more inclined to seek other teaching opportunities.

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

[ ] It has no impact on my teaching.

1.11 When you teach courses that are not delivered in your preferred mode, how does that impact your students (if at all)? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] My students are less engaged.

[ ] My students learn less.

[ ] My students’ academic performance suffers.

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

[ ] It has no impact on my students.

1.12 Please tell us about your experience(s) teaching online and hybrid courses in college. (Select all that apply.)

[ ] I taught at least one online or hybrid college course prior to the onset of the pandemic (i.e., before March 2020).

[ ] I taught at least one online or hybrid college course during the emergency move to remote learning in spring 2020.

[ ] I taught at least one online or hybrid college course after the emergency remote period (i.e., fall 2020 to present).

[ ] I am currently teaching at least one online or hybrid college course.

[ ] I have not taught any online or hybrid college courses.

1.13 How have your previous experiences teaching online and hybrid college courses influenced your modality preferences?

( ) I have less desire to teach online or hybrid college courses.

( ) My modality preferences have not changed.

( ) I have a stronger desire to teach online or hybrid college courses.

( ) I don't know.

1.14 Please indicate the extent to which you find it difficult or easy to switch between teaching modalities within a particular term (e.g., within a single course, and/or between courses in a term).

( ) N/A (I don’t teach in multiple modalities within a term)

( ) Extremely difficult

( ) Slightly difficult

( ) Neither difficult nor easy

( ) Slightly easy

( ) Extremely easy

1.15 Please indicate the extent to which you find it difficult or easy to switch between teaching modalities from one term to another.

( ) N/A (I don’t teach in multiple modalities across terms)

( ) Extremely difficult

( ) Slightly difficult

( ) Neither difficult nor easy

( ) Slightly easy

( ) Extremely easy

1.16 How would you rate your overall competency in using technology as part of your teaching?

( ) Beginner

( ) Competent

( ) Advanced

1.17 How, if at all, have your experiences with specific technologies impacted your modality preferences? Please provide examples of technologies you have worked with.





1.18 Which of the following course components do you prefer to make available digitally? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] Required readings

[ ] Class/lecture notes

[ ] Presentation slides (e.g., PowerPoint, Google)

[ ] Class handouts

[ ] Recorded lectures

[ ] Homework assignments

[ ] Quizzes

[ ] Exams

[ ] Discussions

[ ] Group activities

[ ] Video (e.g., YouTube videos, movies)

[ ] Audio (e.g., podcasts, music, recorded books)

[ ] Interactive engagement with content (e.g., VR, virtual labs)

[ ] Study guides

[ ] Collaborative/shared documents

[ ] Peer teachers/tutors

[ ] Office hours/meetings with my students

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

[ ] None of the above

1.19 What factors influence your decisions about how and when to make these course components available digitally to students?





1.20 Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement "My students learn the most when I teach:"

Strongly disagree


Neither disagree nor agree


Strongly agree

Fully online

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Fully on-site

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Using a hybrid approach

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

1.21 Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement "I am able to engage my students when I teach:"

Strongly disagree


Neither disagree nor agree


Strongly agree

Fully online

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Fully on-site

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Using a hybrid approach

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

1.22 Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement "I feel connected to my students when I teach:"

Strongly disagree


Neither disagree nor agree


Strongly agree

Fully online

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Fully on-site

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Using a hybrid approach

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

1.23 Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement "The quality of my teaching is best when I teach:"

Strongly disagree


Neither disagree nor agree


Strongly agree

Fully online

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Fully on-site

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Using a hybrid approach

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Supports for Teaching

2.1 How important are the following instructional supports for your teaching?

Very important


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Instructional design

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Teaching assistant(s)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Adequate prep time

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Policy supporting flexibility in teaching modality

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Help with using personal technology effectively (e.g., laptop and individual software)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Help with using instructional technology effectively (e.g., Zoom, classroom technology)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

2.2 How important are the following technologies for your teaching?

Very important


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

On-campus instructional technology (e.g., AV technology for hybrid learning)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Online instructional technology (e.g., videoconferencing tools)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Artificial intelligence (AI) learning tools (i.e., tools or chatbots that imitate human functions such as plagiarism detection and grading)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Adaptive learning tools (i.e., tools or platforms that adjust the learning experience based on a student’s progress)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Analytics tools (i.e., tools that provide student data to support my teaching)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Extended reality (i.e., VR, AR)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

2.3 How important are the following professional development topics/areas for your teaching?

Very important


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

On-campus instructional technology (e.g., AV technology for hybrid learning)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Online instructional technology (e.g., videoconferencing tools)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Artificial intelligence (AI) learning tools (i.e., tools or chatbots that imitate human functions such as plagiarism detection and grading)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Adaptive learning tools (i.e., tools or platforms that adjust the learning experience based on a student’s progress)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Extended reality technologies (i.e., VR, AR)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Learning management systems

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Learning analytics (i.e., using student data to support my teaching)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Assessment and learning design

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Accessibility and accommodations

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Inclusivity and student belonging

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

2.4 How important are the following networking opportunities for your teaching?

Very important


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Networking with faculty in my institution who are teaching in the same modality

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Networking with faculty in my discipline in my institution, regardless of modality

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Networking with faculty outside my institution

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

2.5 To what extent do you use each of the following supports from your institution?

Do not use at all

Use sometimes

Use often

Instructional support

( )

( )

( )

Technologies and tools

( )

( )

( )

Professional development

( )

( )

( )

Networking opportunities

( )

( )

( )

2.6 To what extent is the use of these supports mandatory?

Not mandatory

Mandatory for some

Mandatory for all

Instructional support

( )

( )

( )

Technologies and tools

( )

( )

( )

Professional development

( )

( )

( )

Networking opportunities

( )

( )

( )

2.7 What factors prevent or discourage you from using the instructional, technology, and professional development. and networking support your institution provides? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] I don’t have enough time.

[ ] Financial incentives are lacking or insufficient.

[ ] Support is optional.

[ ] The support offered is not helpful.

[ ] I do not need support.

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

2.8 What is the most helpful thing (if anything) that your institution does to support your teaching?





2.9 What could your institution do (if anything) to better support your teaching across multiple modalities?






3.1 Which of the following best describe(s) your current role/position in higher education? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] Faculty/Instructor

[ ] Administration

[ ] Instructional Designer

[ ] Staff

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

3.2 What is your status? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] Full-time

[ ] Part-time

[ ] Tenured

[ ] Pre-tenure

[ ] Non-tenure track

[ ] Adjunct

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

3.3 What discipline(s) do you teach in? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] Agriculture and natural resources

[ ] Biological/life sciences

[ ] Business, management, marketing

[ ] Communications/journalism

[ ] Computer and information sciences

[ ] Education, including physical education

[ ] Engineering and architecture

[ ] Fine and performing arts

[ ] Health sciences, including professional programs

[ ] Humanities

[ ] Liberal arts/general studies

[ ] Manufacturing, construction, repair, or transportation

[ ] Physical sciences, including mathematical sciences

[ ] Public administration, legal, social, and protective services

[ ] Social sciences

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

3.4 Which types of courses do you teach regularly? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] Lecture

[ ] Lab

[ ] Seminars and/or discussion sections

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

3.5 What is your typical course load?

( ) One course per term

( ) Two courses per term

( ) Three courses per term

( ) Four courses per term

( ) Five or more courses per term

3.6 What percentage of your work is devoted to each of the following?




________Administrative duties

________Other (please specify)

3.7 Please specify your response if you provided a percentage to, "other (please specify)," in the above question.


3.8 What type of institution do you represent?

( ) Two-year college

( ) Private bachelor’s

( ) Public bachelor’s

( ) Private master’s

( ) Public master’s

( ) Private doctoral

( ) Public doctoral

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

( ) Don't know

3.9 Is your college or university a Minority Serving Institution?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Don't know

3.10 Which of the following describes your institution? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] Historically Black Colleges or University (HBCU)

[ ] Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI)

[ ] Tribal College or University (TCU)

[ ] Asian American and Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AAPISI)

[ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________

3.11 Which gender identity best describes you? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] Man

[ ] Woman

[ ] Genderqueer

[ ] Gender Nonconforming

[ ] Nonbinary

[ ] Trans male / trans man

[ ] Trans female / trans woman

[ ] Not listed (please specify): _________________________________________________

3.12 Which of the following best describes your racial and ethnic identity? (Select all that apply.)

[ ] Hispanic or Latino or Spanish origin

[ ] American Indian or Alaska Native

[ ] Asian

[ ] Black or African American

[ ] Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

[ ] White

[ ] Not listed (please specify): _________________________________________________

Thank You!