Smooth Sailing for the Student Experience

EDUCAUSE Showcase Series | Smooth Sailing for the Student Experience.

By creating environments that allow students to make their own choices about how, where, and when to learn—as well as which technology tools to use—higher education institutions will not only streamline the student experience but also increase student success.

Optimizing Choices

The student experience is enhanced when students have both agency in their learning environment and access to the technology support they want and need, and this is especially true for students with disabilities.

Explore the 2023 Students and Technology Report: Flexibility, Choice, and Equity in the Student Experience.

Chart showing satisfaction with technology supports, broken out by disability. Among all students, 10% were very dissatisfied or dissatisfied, 22% were neutral, and 67% were satisfied or very satisfied. Among students with a learning disability, 8% were very dissatisfied or dissatisfied, 31% were neutral, and 62% were satisfied or very satisfied. Among students with a mental health disorder, 10% were very dissatisfied or dissatisfied, 27% were neutral, and 63% were satisfied or very satisfied. Among students with a mobility impairment, 35% were very dissatisfied or dissatisfied, 29% were neutral, and 35% were satisfied or very satisfied. Among students with a sensory impairment, 8% were very dissatisfied or dissatisfied, 54% were neutral, and 39% were satisfied or very satisfied.

Empowering Students

Meeting students’ desire for flexibility is a key factor in teaching modality preferences of faculty, who also are most interested in developing their skills to increase belonging and accessibility for students.

Dive into the 2023 Faculty and Technology Report: A First Look at Teaching Preferences since the Pandemic.

Chart showing agreement with various statements, by modality preference. Connected to students: on-site (91%), hybrid (61%), and online (39%). Able to engage with students: on-site (89%), hybrid (62%), and online (48%). Best quality of teaching: on-site (83%), hybrid (54%), and online (43%). Student learning: on-site (70%), hybrid (47%), and online (27%).

Embracing AI

Students are incorporating generative AI and other technology tools into their learning as a way to increase efficiency, save time on everyday tasks, and transition more seamlessly into the workplace.

Watch "Students’ Perspectives on Using AI" (video), EDUCAUSE Review.

Showcase Webinar

Missed the Showcase Webinar | Smooth Sailing for the Student Experience on September 19? You can still access the recording to hear from experts on how to build a frictionless student experience through technology innovation and cross-campus collaboration.

We hope this Showcase gives you new ideas for streamlining the student experience. In our last Showcase of 2023, “Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan: 2024,” we’ll empower you with resources for strategic planning into 2024 and beyond.