Annual Business Meeting Minutes, October 13, 2000, Nashville, TN
June 27–July 1, 2016
Austin, Texas
2000 EDUCAUSE Annual Business Meeting
7:00 a.m., October 13, 2000 - Opryland Hotel and Convention CenterNashville, Tennessee
Cleveland A
Chair Ron Bleed called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m.
David Lassner, Chair of the Nomination and Election Committee, reported for the committee. He outlined the procedures the committee followed, indicated that the number of voting representatives voting this year was up 11.6% over the number that voted last year, and announced that Diane Balestri, Vassar College, and Greg Jackson, University of Chicago, had been elected to the Board for a term from 2001 through 2004.
EDUCAUSE Treasurer Laurence Alvarez reported on the financial condition of the association and indicated that EDUCAUSE is in sound financial condition. A review of the business audit indicated no material weaknesses in the controls of EDUCAUSE. The approved 2001 budget includes a dues increase of approximately 3.3% and an expenditure of $225,000 for the Center for Applied Research.
EDUCAUSE President Brian Hawkins reported on the progress EDUCAUSE has made during the past year.
- Produced the Guide to Evaluating Information Technology on Campus in response to student needs and parental concerns related to selecting a college or university.
- Produced a report on staffing needs as well as many other publications.
- Redesigned EDUCAUSE Review and EDUCAUSE Quarterly.
- Initiated Frye Institute as an annual event to develop future leaders in higher education.
- Established the EDUCAUSE Advisory Group on Administrative Information Systems and Services (AGAISS).
- Created the Policy Program, which has been very active and very successful, under the direction of Mark Luker.
- Launched many new program plan initiatives, including initiatives on regional meetings, major redesign of the Web page, development of communities of interest, and becoming the publisher of the Forum on the Internet.
- Worked in partnership with ACE to develop a series of policy papers on distributed learning.
- Approved the creation of the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research, through which EDUCAUSE will make available research information on current topics of interest to higher education.
- Developed metrics for a balanced scorecard approach to evaluating the association; these will be posted on the Web.
EDUCAUSE Vice President Carole Barone reported on the progress of NLII and the Teaching and Learning Initiative.
- Held three focus sessions for the Teaching and Learning Initiative.
- Produced a white paper written by NLII Fellow Paul Hagner.
- Produced a paper on institutional readiness.
- Piloted an effort on community building tools and collaborated with the Recognition Committee on joint awards.
- Currently evaluating applications for appointment to the position of NLII Fellow for 2001.
EDUCAUSE Vice President Richard Katz reported on the successes of the past year.
- Increased the quality and/or quantity of all publications and professional development activities.
- Managed this growth without a sacrifice in quality.
- Received a considerable amount of recognition from the outside world for programs and leadership.
- Katz recognized the efforts of the staff and particularly the efforts of the member volunteers.
EDUCAUSE Vice President Mark Luker reported on the progress of NET@EDU.
- Five member-driven working groups have been active: Pricing of Broadband Networks, PKI, Voice over IP, Wireless Campus Networks, and Regional Aggregation Points (GigaPops).
- EDUCAUSE has successfully launched the $6 million, NSF-sponsored program called AN-MSI, Advanced Networking with Minority Serving Institutions.
- The EDUCAUSE Policy Program has been very active on a variety of key policy issues with legislators, other associations, and the Higher Education Alliance for Information Technology.
- EDUCAUSE is asked on a regular basis for policy recommendations on issues of IT in higher education by news media and other organizations.
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 a.m. by Board Chair Ron Bleed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mely Tynan