EDUCAUSE Welcomes New Board Member Celeste Schwartz
For Release:
August 28, 2020 -
Marc Stith
Director of Marketing
[email protected]
EDUCAUSE, the association for information technology in higher education, announces that Dr. Celeste Schwartz, vice president for information technology and chief digital officer for Montgomery County Community College, has been appointed to the EDUCAUSE Board of Directors to complete the term of a former board member.
"It would be difficult to find anyone more dedicated to EDUCAUSE and the IT profession than Celeste Schwartz," said John O'Brien, EDUCAUSE president and CEO. "She has contributed in so many ways to our community, and I know she will bring a great depth of knowledge and care to her service on the board."

Celeste Schwartz
As the vice president for information technology and chief digital officer, Dr. Celeste Schwartz is responsible for academic and administrative technology and technology-supported process improvements at Montgomery County Community College. In addition to her technology focus, Schwartz provides leadership support for the college’s student success initiatives, institutional effectiveness and innovation, and college sustainability initiatives. She also oversees institutional research and college-wide construction.
A recipient of the EDUCAUSE Leadership Award in 2018, Schwartz is an active member and contributor to EDUCAUSE and has served on a variety of advisory and program committees over the last two decades, as well as the Hawkins Leadership Roundtable from 2015–2017. Her other professional service includes The Pathway School Board of Directors, KINBER Board of Directors, and The Rotary Club of Blue Bell, Pa. Schwartz holds an A.A.S. from Montgomery County Community College, a B.S. from St. Joseph’s University, an M.S. in Information Technology from Villanova University, and a Ph.D. in Education, with specialization in Community College Leadership, from Walden University.
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association and the foremost community of technology leaders and professionals committed to advancing higher education. EDUCAUSE programs and services are focused on analysis, advocacy, community building, professional development, and knowledge creation. Believing that technology innovation plays a transformative role in higher education, EDUCAUSE supports those who lead, manage, and use information technology through a comprehensive range of resources and activities. For more information, visit