Continually Improving Business Process Redesign Efforts

Become more agile by continually improving your business process redesign efforts through change management.

System implementation offers the opportunity to improve the business processes an organization uses to accomplish tasks. Change management involves each organization examining its business processes that are supported by the system being implemented or upgraded to identify more efficient and/or effective ways to carry out these processes. It also includes agreeing upon, and then implementing, the desired process changes. As part of the system implementation plan, the go-live follow-up should identify the tasks and resources required to examine and improve processes throughout system use.

To learn more about this key topic:

  • Read the Overview: Get a quick overview of using system implementations to make continuous business process improvement a part of your organization's culture.
  • Hear from Your Peers:
  • Explore Your Toolkit: Discover curated EDUCAUSE resources that can help you further instill continuous improvement into your institution's culture.

Continually Improving Business Processes Toolkit

Good Enough! IT Investment and Business Process Performance in Higher Education
A look at the performance of business processes in higher education, with a special focus on how IT investments have influenced that performance
Demonstrating Value Through IT Service Management in Higher Education
A discussion of the importance of business process management as part of IT service management
IT Change Management: A Practical Approach for Higher Education
A working group paper about how implementing and improving your change management process will result in better IT services
EDUCAUSE Analytics Services EDUCAUSE Analytics Services provides higher education leaders with insights on peer institutions and benchmarks.
EDUCAUSE Library page on Business Process Redesign EDUCAUSE articles, papers, and presentations on higher ed process reengineering
EDUCAUSE Library page on Communications EDUCAUSE articles, papers, and presentations on higher ed communications
EDUCAUSE Library page on IT Governance EDUCAUSE articles, papers, and presentations to help IT support and enable the institution's strategic objectives

Recommended Reading



Implications across the Institution