Rethinking the Role of IT

Use system sourcing as an opportunity to better collaborate and cooperate across campus.

Given the present ease of technology acquisition, developing and using clearly understood and effective practices for contract negotiation and vendor management is crucial. Each organization must develop and enact sourcing strategies, tactics, decisions, processes, and practices to mitigate risk as they identify, negotiate, acquire, implement, and manage solutions to address their needs and desires.

To learn more about this key topic:

  • Read the Overview: Get a quick overview of using system implementations to further IT's role transition to institutional partners and brokers.
  • Hear from Your Peers: See how Emerson College, Furman University, Syracuse University, and Wellesley College partnered across their institutions to explore, identify, negotiate, and implement enterprise systems.
  • Explore Your Toolkit: Discover curated EDUCAUSE resources that can help you rethink the role of IT as partner and broker.

Rethinking the Role of IT Toolkit

Preparing for a Service-Centric Future: Report from the EDUCAUSE/NACUBO 2016 Enterprise IT Summit Key recommendations for IT and business leaders on developing strategies for effective sourcing
Cloud Strategy for Higher Education: Building a Common Solution Considerations, including contract negotiation and more, for moving to the cloud
EDUCAUSE Core Data Service Information from CDS including data on systems in use across colleges and universities, plus insight into your peers' technology deployment and the maturity of your own digital capabilities
Cybersecurity Program Help with information security issues
EDUCAUSE Library page on Compliance EDUCAUSE articles, papers, and presentations to help you create reliable structures and measures to ensure success and minimize failure
EDUCAUSE Library page on Communications EDUCAUSE articles, papers, and presentations on higher ed communications
EDUCAUSE Library page on IT Governance EDUCAUSE articles, papers, and presentations to help IT support and enable the institution's strategic objectives

Recommended Reading



Implications across the Institution