Key Issues in Teaching and Learning 2017
Key Issues in Teaching and Learning 2017
Each year, ELI surveys the higher education community to determine key issues & opportunities in post-secondary teaching & learning. These key issues serve as the framework, or focal points, for our discussions and programming throughout the coming year. More than 900 community members voted on the following key issues for 2017.
1. Faculty Development
- Evidence-Based Principles for Online Faculty Development
- The Future of Faculty Development in a Networked World
2. Academic Transformation
3. Digital & Informational Literacies
- From Written to Digital: The New Literacy
- Practicing Collaborative Digital Pedagogy to Foster Digital Literacies in Humanities Classrooms
4. Accessibility & Universal Design for Learning
- Get More Traction for Your Awesome Universal Design for Learning Program, Part II
- Universal Design for Learning
5. CBE & Assessment for Student Learning
- Historical Survey Of Competency-Based Education
- A Framework for Interactivity in Competency-Based Courses
6. Open Education
- The Evolving Economics of Educational Materials and Open Educational Resources
- Pedagogy, Technology, and the Example of Open Educational Resources
7. Online & Blended Teaching & Learning
- ELI Webinar: Conducting Research on Blended and Online Education: A Research Toolkit
- Anytime and Anywhere: A Case Study for Blended Learning
8. Learning Space Designs
9. Evolution of the Profession
- Innovating Together: Collaboration as a Driving Force to Improve Student Success
- Edtech + Academia: Two Worlds Collide?
- Trust Is Key to Successful Change Initiatives
10. Learning Analytics
- Traversing the Trough of Disillusionment: Where do Analytics Go from Here?
- The Predictive Learning Analytics Revolution: Leveraging Learning Data for Student Success (ECAR report)
- The State of Learning Analytics
11. Working with Emerging Technology
- 7 Things You Should Read About Digital Divides and Today’s Technologies
- Edtech + Academia: Two Worlds Collide?
12. Evaluating Tech-Based Instructional Innovations
- Bringing Rigorous Academic Research to Online Learning
- The Benefits of Learning Assessment in Faculty Development
13. NGDLE and LMS services
- 6 Implications of the Next-Generation Digital Learning Environments (NGDLE) Framework
- 4th Annual LMS Data Update
- The LMS market glacier is melting
14. Privacy and Security
- Consenting Adults? Privacy in an Age of Liberated Learning Data
- Privacy, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
15. Adaptive Teaching and Learning