Subject Matter

A badge is a visual representation of an accomplishment, achievement or skill acquisition—more granular than a formal degree, but helps to make incremental learning more visible.

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Subject Matter: Recognize learning and the development along specific and relevant content areas through verified engagement and participation.

Example BadgeSubject Matter Badge Descriptions

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Leadership Seminar

This badge acknowledges those who actively engaged in the ELI Annual Meeting Leadership Seminar. Each Leadership Seminar is organized around a highly relevant teaching and learning topic. This badge is issued once annually as criteria are met.

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Course

This badge acknowledges those who actively engaged in an ELI Course. Courses require four and a half hours instruction over two weeks to learn about specific topic. A course has multiple online synchronous meetings and includes assigned project work. These badges are issued throughout the year as criteria are met.

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Focus Session

This badge acknowledges those who actively engaged in an ELI Focus Session. Focus Session programs occur over ten and a half hours in either the spring or fall of the year. Each Focus Session includes several activities and assignments based on specific learning objectives. These badges are issued twice annually as criteria are met

EDUCAUSE Stacked Badges

Stacked badges recognize successful completion of an extended learning experience. This may be a series of engagements that stack together to provide a deep dive into a subject or a single, intensive experience designed to develop competency over time. These badges are issued throughout the year as criteria are met.