Steering Analytics Toward an Equitable Future

Steering Analytics Toward an Equitable Future

By integrating the goals of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) with the tools of analytics, those of us in higher education can better represent the world in which we live while improving our processes and results. To get started, we must reorient our conversations, explore barriers and resources, and build a foundation for support.

Reorienting the Analytics Conversation

a stack of hands 

Analytics programs can be designed to identify, address, and challenge (rather than reinforce) reasons behind long-standing equity gaps. An essential part of this effort is to build trust by reorienting conversations to include the many campus groups that have a role in this work.

Listen to "Addressing DEI Issues through Analytics" [podcast].

'DON'T ASSUME your analyses - as logical as your findings may be - reflect the reality of an institution or students. TALK TO STUDENTS and understand what it is they're experiencing.'  - Jonathan S. Gagliardi, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Effectiveness and Innovation, City University of New York.

Exploring What’s Possible

By identifying promising practices, campus leaders are working to leverage analytics as a way to advance their DEI goals. Critical steps include becoming aware of barriers and identifying resources for support.

See "EDUCAUSE QuickPoll Results: Using Analytics to Advance Equity Goals."

Magnifying glass with montage of squares with people in them.
Question: What is your institution's current adoption of analytics to advance DEI goals? Answers: Not currently, and have no plans 19%; Not currently, but developing plans 20%; In the early stages 43%; Adopted across multiple departments 18%. EDUCAUSE QuickPoll / Using Analytics to Advance Equity Goals, 2022.

Building a Foundation to Support All

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Efforts to address DEI in higher education should include not only students but also faculty and staff across departments. An important element in this work is building a sophisticated data infrastructure that includes all members of the campus community and is designed to be transparent and ethical in its collection and use of data.

See "Analytics and DEI at UC Merced: An EDUCAUSE Research Case Study."

Four lessons for using data and analytics to support DEI goals: Dedicate someone to being a bridge; Tell stories; Build the scaffolding; Set expectations. Analytics and DEI at UC Merced: An EDUCAUSE research case study.

Member QuickTalk | Showcase Coffee Shop

Missed the Member QuickTalk | Showcase Coffee Shop: Steering Analytics Toward an Equitable Future? Access the recording to hear from leaders in the EDUCAUSE community as they discuss DEI and analytics in higher education.

From this EDUCAUSE Showcase, we hope you'll take away a new understanding of how analytics can steer your campus toward an inclusive and equitable future.

Next up, we'll explore hybrid learning spaces and their implications for higher education. Tune in to The Digital versus Brick-and-Mortar Balancing Game launching April 18.