Kim Glover


I am an Instructional Designer at the Center for Online and Distance Learning. My work involves the instructional design of online and hybrid courses, consultations with faculty on best practices in course design. I work with faculty to implement active learning, promote critical thinking, and accessibility in their courses. I collaborate with other academic partners to supporting online learning and teaching.
My instructional background includes more than 10 year of training and teaching experience. My training experience includes training in office and instructional technology. My teaching experience is all in higher education. I have taught in the areas of history, business and instructional technology, leadership studies and information literacy and research methodology classes. I have experience teaching face to face, hybrid/blended, and online classes. I have a Masters in Instructional Design and Technology, Library Science and Information Management, and History.

Designing curriculum and teaching online /blended formats
Instructional Technology
Coaching & Mentoring
Information Literacy