Programs and Initiatives
Through various programs, publications, and events, EDUCAUSE and its members contribute to thought leadership on major issues, help clarify the current environment, and highlight how emerging trends and technologies are impacting higher education.
Conferences and Events
There is no better way to address the challenges IT professionals face in supporting higher education than to gather for collaborative learning and networking. EDUCAUSE hosts many opportunities for professional development, both face-to-face and through interactive online programs. Learn more >
Community Engagement
Members can engage in the association in a number of ways including reviewing conference session proposals, by providing mentorship, or volunteering to help with focus groups, virtual communities, content reviews, and surveys. Learn more >
Institutional Benchmarking
The popular Core Data Service encompasses an annual survey through which colleges and universities provide data about IT on their campuses, which you can use to benchmark, plan for, and make decisions about IT. Learn more >
Leadership Programs
Leaders and managers who work in higher education IT face common challenges: rapidly changing technology, shrinking budgets, policy and legislative changes, competition, a changing student population, and much more. The EDUCAUSE Institute offers several programs to enhance the success of current and future IT leaders or managers. Learn more >
Discussion Groups
A number of communities of interest, known as constituent groups, allow you to capitalize on the community's wide-ranging knowledge and create valuable networks through e-mail discussions. Learn more >
Policy and Security
EDUCAUSE Policy looks beyond issues of pure technology to the connections between society's expectations of higher education, college and university missions, IT choices and activities, and the policies that impact them. EDUCAUSE seeks to engage with policymakers, advocate on behalf of higher education, and assist with understanding legislative decisions affecting our community. Learn more >
The Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC), established by EDUCAUSE and Internet2, works to improve information security and privacy programs across the higher education sector through its community members and focused partnerships with government, industry, and other academic organizations. Numerous resources and working groups on computer and network security are available for the higher education community. Learn more >
EDUCAUSE disseminates research, data, and lessons learned through its print and electronic publications, including magazines, monographs, e-books, podcasts, and brief summaries. Publications in the EDUCAUSE library include:
Specialized Programs
These programs take a deeper look at important higher education issues and trends.
EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research
ECAR promotes informed decision-making and a culture of evidence in higher education IT through a program of research publications and symposia. ECAR identifies issues of pressing concern to CIOs and other higher education executives, and addresses them through diverse research activities including in-depth analyses, shorter reports, and case studies. Learn more >
EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative
ELI focuses on advancing teaching and learning through the innovative use of IT. This program focuses on learners, learning principles, and learning technologies. This is where teaching and learning professionals learn and collaborate with others across higher education. Learn more >