EQ Contribution of the Year Award

EDUCAUSE Quarterly Contribution of the Year Award, retired in 2008

About the Award

Professional growth, particularly in the fast-moving world of information resources management practitioners, requires a steady flow of reliable, relevant information. One of the fundamental means for transmitting significant experiences and wisdom among colleagues is through publication in a peer-reviewed journal (prior to 2000, this journal was known as CAUSE/EFFECT). This award program encourageed such effort by honoring unusually effective and well-reasoned articulation of professional experience that would be of use to other institutions and individuals.

Winners of this award were selected by the EDUCAUSE Quarterly Editorial Committee.

This award program was sponsored by SunGard Higher Education, An EDUCAUSE Platinum Partner.


2008 Winners - Michael J. Albright and John Nworie, for "Rethinking Academic Technology Leadership in an Era of Change" (Volume 31, Number 1, 2008)

2007 Winners - Joseph Rene Corbeil and Maria Elena Valdes-Corbeil, for "Are You Ready for Mobile Learning?" (Volume 30, Number 2, 2007)

2006 Winner - Dennis A. Trinkle, for "The 361º Model for Transforming Teaching and Learning with Technology" (Volume 28, Number 4, 2005)

2005 Winners - Lea Pennock and Rick Bunt, for "Whose System Is It, Anyway? Partnering with Faculty in Administrative Systems" (Volume 28, Number 2, 2005)

2004 Winners - Jennifer Dowling Dougherty, William Clebsch & Greg Anderson for "Management by Fact: Benchmarking University IT Services" (Volume 27, Number 1, 2004)

2003 Winner - Ali Jafari for "Conceptualizing Intelligent Agents for Teaching & Learning" (Volume 25, Number 3, 2002)

2002 Winner - James P. Frazee for "Charting a Smooth Course for Portal Development" (Volume 24, Number 3, 2001)

2001 Winners - Anne Scrivener Agee and Dee Ann Holisky for "Technology Across the Curriculum at George Mason University" (Volume 23, Number 4, 2000)

2000 Winners - Mark Donovan and Scott Macklin for "The Catalyst Project: Supporting Faculty Uses of the Web ... with the Web" (Volume 22 Number 3 1999)

1999 Winner - Dorothy A. Frayer for "Creating a Campus Culture to Support a Teaching and Learning Revolution" (Volume 22 Number 2 1999)

1998 Winners - Martin Ringle and Daniel Updegrove for "Is Strategic Planning for Technology an Oxymoron?" (Volume 1 1998)

1997 Winner - Celeste M. Giunta for "New Approaches for Compensating the Information Technology Knowledge Worker" (Summer 1997)

1996 Winners - Elazar Harel and Greg Partipilo for "Reengineering Beyond the Illusion of Control" (Summer 1996)

1995 Winner - Carl Jacobson for "Internet Tools Access Administrative Data at the University of Delaware" (Fall 1995)

1994 Winners - Gerald Bernbom and Dennis Cromwell for "Data Architecture in an Open Systems Environment" (Winter 1993)

1993 Winners - Polley Ann McClure, Susan F. Stager, Norma Brenner Holland, and Cathy Smith for "Administrative Workstation Project at Indiana University" (Summer 1993)

1992 Winner - Gerald Bernbom for "Data Administration and Distributed Data Processing" (Winter 1991)

1991 Winners - Grey Freeman and Jerry York for "Client/Server Architecture Promises Radical Changes" (Spring 1991)

1990 Winner - William Kettinger for "The Decentralization of Academic Computing: Defining Future Roles" (Fall 1990)

1989 Winners - Richard D. Howard, Gerald W. McLaughlin, and Josetta McLaughlin for "Bridging the Gap between the Data Base and User in a Distributed Environment" (Summer 1989)

1988 Winners - Robert Blackmun, Jeff Hunter, and Anne Parker for "Organizational Strategies for End-User Computing Support" (Fall 1988)

1987 Winner - Linda Fleit for "Overselling Technology: What If You Gave A Revolution And Nobody Came?" (May 1987)

1986 Winner - Albert L. LeDuc for "Why Planning Doesn't Always Fulfill Expectations" (September 1986)

1985 Winners - Robert Heterick and Raman Khanna for "Servicing Personal Computers" (January 1985)

1984 Winners - Barbara Paschke, Terry Haren, and Charles Nicholas for "Planning Microcomputer Information Services: The Institutional Research Role" (November 1984)

1983 Winner - Carolyn Mullins for "Do You Hear What I Say, Do You Read What I Write?" (September 1983)

1982 Winners - W. L. Graham, W. A. Richmond, W. R. Biddington, and Richard Sizemore for "ODONTICS: Omnibus Dental Online Treatment And Information Control System" (July 1982)

1981 Winner - Robert J. Robinson for "Computers And Information Systems For Higher Education In The 1980s: Options And Opportunities" (September 1981)