2014 Rising Star Nomination Requirements and Submission Procedures

Nomination Requirements

Nominations for the Rising Star Award should be submitted with the candidate's permission.  Self-nominations will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the nominator to summarize the nominee's achievements and growth in professional stature and accomplishments in sufficient detail to document why this individual should be recognized as a "rising star" in the profession. All nominations must contain sufficient information to inform the selection process without additional research. Each nomination submitted must adhere to the following outline.

The nomination must include:

  1. Curriculum Vitae or Resume
    Include with the nomination the candidate's vitae or professional resume to provide the selection committee with a more comprehensive overview of the candidate’s accomplishments and experiences. Please note the CV or resume is not a substitute for any of the required information listed in the items below.
  2. Description of how the candidate fulfills the criteria described under the "Guidelines and Eligibility" section for this award.  (750-1200 words  /  2-4  pages)
  3. Three letters of reference, one of which must be from the CIO, CTO, or equivalent institution executive, supporting the candidate's nomination.


Submission Procedure and Nominations Form

  1. Review Rising Star Award guidelines and eligibility.
  2. Review Rising Star Award nomination requirements.
  3. Gather required nomination information and documents. [Rising Star Nomination Requirements Checklist]
  4. Submit nomination and documents via Rising Star Award Nomination Form. [Be sure to gather all documents before starting the submission process.]


Guidelines and Eligibility

  • Candidates must be an early-career information technology professional working in higher education.
  • Candidates may not have attained the rank of Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), or equivalent.
  • Candidates must have demonstrated exceptional early achievements and have made significant and demonstrable contributions to their institution(s), and to the profession.
  • Candidates may not be currently serving on the EDUCAUSE Board, staff, or Recognition Committee.
  • Each candidate will be judged on three primary factors:
    • Description of the individual role played by the candidate, and the resulting positive outcomes, in projects, publications, activities, or initiatives that in total demonstrate exceptional early achievement.
    • Evidence that the contributions of the candidate are having a sustained and positive impact on his or her institution.
    • Evidence that the candidate's early work and resulting success points to increasing levels of responsibility, both internal and external to the institution.
  • In addition the Committee will also look for evidence that supports:
    • Significant innovation, given the campus context.
    • Uniqueness and impact of the candidate's contributions.