Learning Space Rating System Community Input

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We intend the Learning Space Rating System to evolve and improve through the contributions of its users. We request that those who download the criteria and the rating instrument provide input on how to improve it as well as case study data to EDUCAUSE on their experience using it. For this purpose, we invite you to provide your thoughts and suggestions via our community input form.
Version 2 of the LSRS criteria is being published by the authors under a Creative Commons BY license. This means that any derivative works such as adaptations for specific institution or general purpose use must be licensed under the same Creative Commons license with attribution to the original authors acknowledged, and notification with a copy of the derivative work provided to the LSRS Project to be made available to the community. We recognize some of the potential uses of and improvements to the system may involve commercial activity and commercial entities, and so we see these uses as permitted, as long as they do not preclude others from accessing and benefiting from these derivative works and improvements, free of charge. We expect institutions or consultants that refine the criteria for their own planning purposes will respect this intent and contribute back a copy of their derivative works. For questions, please contact Kathe Pelletier at [email protected].
Community members can make contributions in several ways:
- Testing: An institution can test the system criteria and scoring instrument to rate one, some, or all of their learning spaces in order to create a performance baseline, identify future opportunities and needs for space improvements, or evaluate recent projects, and then provide feedback to the LSRS team.
- Sharing comments and suggestions: LSRS users are encouraged to contribute review comments on LSRS version 2 using the community input form.
- Refining the LSRS version 2: Those interested in getting involved can indicate their interest on the community input form.
Access the LSRS version 2
Download LSRS version 2 of the rating system and the scoresheet. We invite you to share your comments through the community input form.