This book is the result of the good thinking, talented writing, and thoughtful review of many people, all of whom have contributed to the rich content of the chapters that follow.
For me it has been a great honor to work with the authors of the chapters in this book, and I would like to thank them for sharing their wisdom and ideas with all of us. All the authors share a common trait-the desire to "give back" to the profession, and they have done so not only through their contributions to this endeavor, but through their own professional activities.
Our information technology community in higher education is filled with people who are committed to helping the next generation of IT professionals grow and develop. Members of the EDUCAUSE Professional Development Committee as well as faculty of the EDUCAUSE Institutes played an important role in the generation of topics and refinement of the prospectus for this book, and they give generously of their time and talent to enhance the contribution that IT makes to higher education.
My colleagues at EDUCAUSE, especially Brian Hawkins and the executive team, Carole Barone, Richard Katz, Mark Luker, and Diana Oblinger, have all contributed to the development of the ideas in this book, and have provided me with support and encouragement in this and all professional development activities.
Finally, I'd like to thank Jeremy, Hannah, and Emma Somers for their love, patience, and encouragement.