iPASS Resources

Valuable insights from current iPASS projects as well as the experiences and outcomes of the 19 institutions funded by the Gates Foundation in 2013 to implement iPASS technology solutions.

About the iPASS Grant

7 Things You Should Know about IPAS
7 Things You Should Read about IPAS
These publications from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provide a brief overview of integrated planning and advising services that institutions involved in implementation of these services may find useful in explaining the work to staff and faculty engaged in teaching and learning at any institution where the concepts are unfamiliar.

Is this something for my institution?

Is Your Institution Ready for Transformative iPASS Reform? by Mei-Yen Ireland, Achieving the Dream

Adopting New Technologies for Student Success: a Readiness Framework
This report presents a literature-based framework that identifies characteristics associated with colleges' readiness for technology adoption (the RTA framework); the authors illustrate what an adoption-ready college looks like by drawing on fieldwork conducted at six colleges in five states implementing Integrated Planning and Advising Services.

Evaluating Your College's Readiness for Technology Adoption
The Readiness for Technology Adoption (RTA) framework is a self-assessment tool designed to help colleges develop a nuanced picture of their overall readiness for technology adoption.

How to Implement

Getting Started: 

5 Strategies to Implement Successful University-Wide Student Success Initiatives by Richard Sluder, Middle Tennessee State University

Best practices for planning for iPASS implementation, and the results are documented in the following guides;

IPAS Implementation Handbook
While the use of analytics to promote student success is gaining in popularity, basic questions about what IPAS is and the issues institutions face during implementation and integration still exist. The IPAS Implementation Handbook catalogs the experiences, observations, and practical advice from 19 institutions engaged in IPAS implementation projects. To facilitate comparisons, institutional IPAS data regarding expectations, goals, costs, benefits, change management efforts, implementation team composition, and end users are included.

Data and Systems Integration
Enthusiasm for IPAS solutions may be hindered both by technical and institutional barriers. The Data and Systems Integration Report uses qualitative data from four institutions that have recently implemented IPAS solutions to explore the complexities of deploying IPAS systems and integrating IPAS solutions into institutional practices.

Driving Toward a Degree: The Evolution of Planning and Advising in Higher Education
These papers provide institutions with a guide for developing and implementing a student success and retention strategy and navigating the quickly evolving landscape of vendors and products.

Part 1: The Supplier Landscape [https://tytonpartners.com/library/driving-toward-a-degree-the-evolution-of-planning-and-advising-in-higher-education/]
Part 2: Roadmap for Institutional Adoption [https://tytonpartners.com/library/driving-toward-a-degree-the-evolution-of-planning-and-advising-in-higher-education/]

Assessment and Evaluation 

IPAS Evaluation and Assessment Guide
This report consists of two main parts. The first addresses a host of methodological and procedural issues related to the evaluation and assessment of IT projects in general and IPAS projects in particular. The second is concerned with comparing and contrasting the real-world evaluation and assessment experiences of four institutions that have recently launched IPAS projects.

Applying an ROI Lens to Student Success
This tool provides approaches to support investments in student success that create sustainable innovation and stronger business models.

Student Attitudes toward Technology-Mediated Advising Systems
Using focus group interview data from 69 students at six colleges, this study investigates students' attitudes toward technology-mediated advising: the authors seek to understand how students' perceptions and experiences vary across different advising functions.

Practitioner Perspectives on the Use of Predictive Analytics in Targeted Advising for College Students
Based on interviews with college staff at nine public two- and four-year institutions at different stages of implementation of predictive analytics software, this study examines the perspectives of college personnel engaged in the consideration, launch, and use of predictive analytics tools for targeted advising.

How is it Going? Early Stages

Integrated Planning and Advising Services: a Benchmarking Study 
Recognizing potential unfamiliarity with this emergent field of practice within higher education, ECAR worked with a select cohort of 36 institutions (26 of them community colleges) that are actively engaged in student success initiatives. Each institution was asked to provide two responses, one from the CIO and another from the officer responsible for student success initiatives, to a survey about their institution's IPAS practices and plans. ECAR also conducted qualitative focus groups with IPAS stakeholders from 26 of the participating institutions.

Early Insights on iPASS by Ana Borray and Nancy Millichap, EDUCAUSE

Improved Planning and Advising Help Students Succeed by Celeste M. Schwartz, Montgomery County Community College

Baseline Trends in Key Performance Indicators Among Colleges Participating in a Technology-Mediated Advising Reform Initiative
This research paper summarizes baseline characteristics and student outcomes at iPASS colleges, groundwork for a followup report in late 2018 on progress on Key Performance Indicators.

Case Studies

Leadership for Transformative Change: Lessons From Technology-Mediated Reform in Broad-Access Colleges 
This study, drawing on case studies at six campuses, explores the influence of different types of leadership approaches on the implementation of a technology-mediated advising reform, and assesses which types of leadership are associated with transformative organizational change.


Wrap Up and Final Thoughts

Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (iPASS): State of the Literature  
This paper analyzes 60 relevant documents that have been released since 2010 and categorizes them into four different groups: 1) 39 descriptive documents that describe processes and challenges of iPASS implementation; 2) 12 output reports that examine usage data; 3) 5 correlational studies that examine non-causal associations between iPASS tools' functions and student outcomes; and 4) 4 rigorous outcomes studies that employ experimental or quasi-experimental methods to provide causal or near-causal estimations of iPASS-oriented interventions.

iPASS: Lessons from the Field
This report distills guidance from iPASS grantees on how to move forward with a transformative technology-based planning and advising project, with a specific focus on advising transformation, faculty engagement and predictive analytics.