EDUCAUSE SSI Toolkit Roadmap

Step 1: Identify the problem to be solved. Why is this the next best investment in student success for the institution?

Step 2: Define the solution. How will this solution address the problem? Remember that solutions often represent smaller steps, and it can be beneficial to take a small step and have a win. Also, in defining solutions, it’s important to note that the SSI Toolkit focuses on student success solutions such as advising, peer mentoring, and so on; it does not include academic program/learning model changes, such as adopting competency-based education models.

Step 3: Select the project team. The team should not simply be representative across the institution. Rather, the team should reflect the right mix of skills and experience necessary for success. A typical team will include the project lead, student success/affairs, institutional research, finance/business, IT, and academic affairs.

Step 4: Define success. What will happen as a result of the solution? How will we know that success has been achieved?

Step 5: Collect data. Remember, data may not be available at the granular level desired. In that case, make reasonable assumptions about the data so that the project can be completed.

Step 6: Move from analysis to meaning making and storytelling. What does the data tell us and why should we care? How will that data and analysis impact institutional decision making?

Step 7: Develop a cycle for continuous improvement. Investment in student success is not a one-time event. A cycle of assessment, feedback, and improvement is required. For more, see this education brief [].

Step 8: Develop a physical or digital war room or space where your team will work. Examples include a white board room, Google space, and/or a project management tool.

Step 9: Set a cadence for how often you will collaborate. Also, establish team norms.

Step 10: Define team roles and responsibilities. Examples include leader, task owners, scribe, and logistics.

Step 11: Develop a project plan. Once you have a plan, use its individual steps as project milestones.